FDNY EMS Candidates

I do. Not for FDNY, but I do 911 for a hospital. I answer to conditions bosses and follow the FDNY GOP.
100 times better than transport, even though I'm one of the busiest units in Brooklyn.
As long as your following protocol and not slacking, there are no problems, every conditions boss I met, has been nice and looks out for his units
I'd just rather be a fireman in the long run .. I do love my job don't get me wrong and I enjoy it everyday I go to work but idk about all these years
I myself might take the promotional
I work three different 911 trucks. If you plan on making ems your career, the best places are, in regards to pay, pension, retirement age, conditions etc.. Are


Mind you, lij and presby are still businesses, fdny is city, so it isn't about taking the patient to a certain hospital, or billing or cutting back costs, its providing vital services to the community. LIJ and presby are big companies, and they are life time, people who join, stay until retirement. I hate patient steering, I hate working for someone so I am waiting for fdny. All the side 911 I do, is because I hate dialysis derby, I won't volunteer and I want experience going to fdny
Received my Medical date Dec 19
Hi I'm list number 240.5 on exam number 4004 what do you think my chances on getting in the January night class. I have read on here that the class will be bigger. I called my investigator and she told me my file was off her desk so I don't know if that is a good or bad thing.. Thanks for the help
Your number is 240 and a half? Nice.
I'm 25X. We are both getting into January, whether it is normal size class, 90 people or double 180 people.

File being of her desk meaning your file went for final review, they do that to everyone before calling for academy
Any one heard when the next class is? Jan 15 or Feb?
Has anyone heard if their current or previous employeers have been contacted yet for the upcoming class?
My employers never received letters.
Then again I only have 3 jobs and never been fired or quit, that might be a reason.

I also got confirmation the academy will be in February, exact day hasn't been scheduled

It'll most likely be the middle of the month, so we can expect calls late January early February
My employers never received letters.
Then again I only have 3 jobs and never been fired or quit, that might be a reason.

I also got confirmation the academy will be in February, exact day hasn't been scheduled

It'll most likely be the middle of the month, so we can expect calls late January early February

There will be a January, February, and April class per CID.
There will be a January, February, and April class per CID.

Who'd you speak with? I spoke with my investigator an hour ago and he said feb.

Each class is like two or three months, each class has pm and am, so how can they have three classes? One won't end before the next one begins