FDNY EMS Candidates

M6 friend liat number today got called she was 1282.
I just got my call!! For the academy..
Keep your phones close..they started early
What #'s guys?
I tried calling my investigator. No luck, he didn't pick up. I was going to ask if I have a chance, I can't wait haha
i have a quick question.. on the 5003 app, under the course section a6 should i put hazmat and other certs there? of put them in section c licenses and certificates??
I'm number 20x on exam 4004, did anyone from exam 4004 get called yet it seems this academy is going to take the last of 3024 and the January academy will be full of the 4004s. Also are they doing the day class too because I can like only do the day class.
I'm number 20x on exam 4004, did anyone from exam 4004 get called yet it seems this academy is going to take the last of 3024 and the January academy will be full of the 4004s. Also are they doing the day class too because I can like only do the day class.

I'm 25X no one got called yet, very few people will get called for October, for me and you it seems like january
I emailed my investigator asking if I had a chance with this academy I will let you know when I get a reply.
Where do you guys get the email addresses?
Thanks buddy
Yeah I have to look for that business card, somewhere in my closet haha, and I'm sure if you send a rude email your file will accidentally go missing hahahaha :):eek: