FDNY EMS Candidates

You said your investigator said they start calling on the 21st?

Yes, I spoke to my investigator again today and he explained to me that initially the two academies were going to happen one in July and one in November but they decided to move the November to October and the July to June. He said around May 21st they will start calling EMT's for the June academy.
Yes, I spoke to my investigator again today and he explained to me that initially the two academies were going to happen one in July and one in November but they decided to move the November to October and the July to June. He said around May 21st they will start calling EMT's for the June academy.
Did he say if it was a full emt class or if it’s half EMTS and half NON EMTS
Did he say if it was a full emt class or if it’s half EMTS and half NON EMTS

Sorry, but he didn't say. He has to call me tomorrow and I would ask him about that. Ill update as soon as I get the chance. In my opinion, I highly doubt it would be full EMTs when they are having two academies with EMTs and I think October would be full EMTS.
Sorry, but he didn't say. He has to call me tomorrow and I would ask him about that. Ill update as soon as I get the chance. In my opinion, I highly doubt it would be full EMTs when they are having two academies with EMTs and I think October would be full EMTS.
In my opinion i think this one should be full emt because in June they are loosing 300 emts to the fire promo but i guess we shall see
I work at headquarters. All three (fire, non-cert emt, emts) start in June. Numbers for each unknown

I spoke to my investigator he said no exact number is known. He said that it will be Part Non-cert. EMT and Part EMT and to his knowledge, they might be in different rooms at different times. He said for the October Academy the anticipated date is the 15th and he says they are still not sure if they will include Non-cert EMT's but that they will include EMT's for certain.

Yes, they start calling May 21st, Good luck everyone and for those that do not get chosen. I hope we all get picked for the fall academy(October).
So just spit balling here, curious if anyone agrees saying hypothetically if this June class is half EMT list 7031 and they reached about roughly #50 list class, and they need half the amount of people do you guys think they’ll reach atleast #350 test 7031 go around? That’s what I’m kindve guesstimating, curious who agrees?
So just spit balling here, curious if anyone agrees saying hypothetically if this June class is half EMT list 7031 and they reached about roughly #50 list class, and they need half the amount of people do you guys think they’ll reach atleast #350 test 7031 go around? That’s what I’m kindve guesstimating, curious who agrees?
they got up to #79 i believe, and it’s possibly, slight but possible, you won’t be able to pick mornjng or night if you do get called