Hey guys I stumbled upon some interesting info today. Im currently enrolled in a RTI refresher course, I did it so I can get back into the textbook ems mindset before the academy, and I was talking to one of the instructors today after class,Tanya Delfino (shes sooooooo cool). She does the PCR lecture in the academy so im not sure if you April guys met her yet. She told me the July class is scedualed to start July 26th. Do you guys think its possible for them to start the academy a week after April ends? It kinda checks out, July 26th is on a Tuesday so orientation at Metrotech would be Monday the 25th. I should have fking asked her if thats something they would do but I was so distracted I really regret it. I test out Thursday too so I wont see her again. Man I hope July 26th is true I hate my job so much lol
Very possible. My class started the same week the previous class had their final week.