And there are some crappy extrication tools, too.
No I'm not referring to EMT's as tools. Well, not all...:glare:
I was tapped to teach a vollie crew about using their bendable scoop board once, the type you could lock into a chair like configuration to "safely" extricate someone from a sitting position without resorting to a short board before the long board (It was 1981, go figure. I don't find them via google anymore).
So they sat me up in a pickup truck and tried to extricate me. They had thrown potlucks and pancake breakfasts to buy this, and someone had hand-sewn a naugahyde carrier for it. But once it was on, and this was before steering columns swung or telescoped (without fatal impact), they were unable to get me out without removing the bottom part, hence making it a short board.
They then showed me their KED, and left me in it for a minute. Good lesson about a good tool, but a little scary after I'd debunked their aluminum god.
Learn the tools, but never revere them.
(Emerald NE vollies, sorry if any of you are still out there!).