
It's impossible to finish the exam before 70 questions are completed. Anyone who says they did is either lying to impress everyone or really isn't sure when their exam cut off. If your exam cut off after question 70 than you either did really well or really poorly. Luckily my Basic exam cut off at 70 and I passed. Remember your last question. If you got it correct than you passed. The best way to pass this exam is to PAY ATTENTION, STUDY, ASK QUESTIONS DURING CLASS AND CLINICALS (away from the patient), and GET INVOLVED IN EVERY LAB. I took the nremt a week after practicals without studying and passed. Cramming before the exam will not do you well nor will waiting months. Take the exam immediately after you finish your practicals. To anyone who passed; get on a private ambulance or department immediately. Do not wait months and get on a company or department. You will perform poorly. Also congrats on passing. This is the beginning of a meaningful career. Ordinary people run away from danger but you run towards it. That is something to admire!
It's impossible to finish the exam before 70 questions are completed. Anyone who says they did is either lying to impress everyone or really isn't sure when their exam cut off. If your exam cut off after question 70 than you either did really well or really poorly. Luckily my Basic exam cut off at 70 and I passed. Remember your last question. If you got it correct than you passed. The best way to pass this exam is to PAY ATTENTION, STUDY, ASK QUESTIONS DURING CLASS AND CLINICALS (away from the patient), and GET INVOLVED IN EVERY LAB. I took the nremt a week after practicals without studying and passed. Cramming before the exam will not do you well nor will waiting months. Take the exam immediately after you finish your practicals. To anyone who passed; get on a private ambulance or department immediately. Do not wait months and get on a company or department. You will perform poorly. Also congrats on passing. This is the beginning of a meaningful career. Ordinary people run away from danger but you run towards it. That is something to admire!

"Sometimes a candidate can demonstrate a level of competency in as few as 60 test items."
10 days left until I can re-apply and I'm praying to God I pass. I've been studying like crazy and taking the online exams to the links that were provided. There were a few questions on the NR that were also on the practice exams or were similarly worded and I figured out where I went wrong.

I can't believe I chose to place a pregnant female in her third trimester with limb presentation on her left side! The correct answer was to have her pelvis tilted upward.
As an educator it makes me laugh at how many females fail the OB section. Often it seems they feel that they have the equipment and perhaps as you have had kids so they don't have to bother studying that section as hard. There is a whole lot more going on in that area of your anatomy during pregnancy and childbirth than many women understand. It affects blood flow, compensation during trauma and illness, etc, etc. Plus very few have any dealings with the rare complications. A question that often gets many is one along the lines of when do you place fingers in the vagina. There will be a choice for never but that is incorrect.

Only advice is study. Then night before get plenty of rest.

prolasped cord, I had that question.
I took my test this morning, it cut off at 70 and I passed. I know I got the last question right so that seems to go with the theme. I got out of EMT class on December 15th. Since then I have done the tests on and used the Brady test book the college bookstore gave me. I will say that although these tools helped review, I am not sure they helped me all that much with the actual test. The test questions are SIMILIAR to the study guides but not exact. The difference is the study guides are pretty straight forward. The test is not. It isn't that the test is worded to trick you...the test is worded to make you think. I had a question today giving me the symptoms of pulmonary edema and then asking me what lung sounds I would hear. The question didn't come right out and say the patient had pulmonary edema...I had to figure it out first, THEN figure out what lung sounds would be heard.

Anyways, my point here is I agree with have to know your stuff and you have to be able not to panic and think about it critically. Just remember the order of your patient assessment and your ABC's.
Like some people said, don't read too much into the questions, and choose the "most correct" answer. Study up on the areas you didn't do so good on. Good luck on the re-test!
I failed my first time as well don't worry just relax and study any areas you think you need to work on on areas the test said you need work on and jtpaint is right pick the least wrong answe rnation reg tests suck but knowing the woridng and what to expect from them will be a big advantage for the next one. Good Luck and don't let it get you down.
Jdye82, I'm pretty positive that it stopped at 68, I did pass but I guess it could have been 70 exactally and I just was to nervous to notice or something but I'm still almost positive it was 68
and? There is more.

Well, that was the answer to my question, but your looking for me to say during a breech presentation also. correct?