It's impossible to finish the exam before 70 questions are completed. Anyone who says they did is either lying to impress everyone or really isn't sure when their exam cut off. If your exam cut off after question 70 than you either did really well or really poorly. Luckily my Basic exam cut off at 70 and I passed. Remember your last question. If you got it correct than you passed. The best way to pass this exam is to PAY ATTENTION, STUDY, ASK QUESTIONS DURING CLASS AND CLINICALS (away from the patient), and GET INVOLVED IN EVERY LAB. I took the nremt a week after practicals without studying and passed. Cramming before the exam will not do you well nor will waiting months. Take the exam immediately after you finish your practicals. To anyone who passed; get on a private ambulance or department immediately. Do not wait months and get on a company or department. You will perform poorly. Also congrats on passing. This is the beginning of a meaningful career. Ordinary people run away from danger but you run towards it. That is something to admire!