Facial Hair allowed?

What if you get blood in your giant Merlin beard?

No, but I think it would look better if facial hair was at least well trimmed. Look at ot from an employer's point of view. And if that employer has a cowboy mustache and a beard like a Jewish Rabai, than your probably fine.

Every company has different policies. Every employer has different opinons. Your best off just calling and asking. You don't want to walk in on your first day and be faced with the akward "shave tonight or your fired"

(almost) 21

And you still act as a child!
I did a search but it didn't completely answer my question. I plan on working as an EMT once I become one. For now I work at McDonald's (I'm only 18 so it's all good lol) and I hate having to shave each shift. I don't mind keeping any hair trimmed, but is facial hair allowed? Is it on an agency by agency basis?

Unfortunately, some agencies do allow facial hair.

Your best bet is to contact possible employers directly to find out their policy, as there is no blanket answer to this question.

Depends on company/service policy.

If it interferes with your safety, the facial hair should be removed. Some will argue for their "rights" and all I can say to that is: sign a waiver that you and/or your family will not be able to claim workmen's comp or death benefits once you catch a potentially deadly illness or you do die while employed as an EMT. That also goes if you are injured or killed on your fire job if your equipment can not adequately protect you due to your facial hair.

Whether well-trimmed facial hair is unprofessional or not is a matter of opinion.

The excuse about N-95 masks seems like a shady excuse. One of the N-95 fit test instructor videos even implies that facial hair is alright (forget the exact wording...it's been awhile).

I believe your answers have been posted.
I see nothing wrong with facial hair as long as it's kept well trimmed... of course you have to consider that this is coming from a guy who now shaves his head and has a goatee. :P

The agency I want to work for does allow facial hair as long as it's well maintained. The director of the agency in my hometown had a full beard at one time (I think he still may actually). Just depends on the situation and agency.

Bottom line: Check around.
The excuse about N-95 masks seems like a shady excuse. One of the N-95 fit test instructor videos even implies that facial hair is alright (forget the exact wording...it's been awhile).

I have told a few to get a trim or a shave when I've done the N95 testing unless they want to wear the battery powered respirator for all of the isolation patients. Although, for some procedures I use the respirator instead of the N95 mask. Granted RTs and RNs may have greater concerns for protection due to the length of time spent with the patients and the procedures performed but when it comes to your safety...don't screw with your own life just to prove it one way or the other.
I believe your answers have been posted.
Answers to which question?

You bolded my statement that the professionalism of facial hair is an opinion after it was implied (without qualifiers) that it was not.
Either way you'll have to shave everyday... I don't see your point.

A hand full of firefighters in DC don't want to shave because of religious beliefs. So when DC fire tried to say you had to or your job will be gone (more or less) the firefighters took them to court and they won. So long story short the you don't have to shave in DC.

I thought someone else would know what I was talking about. (not really an EMS issue but still.)

Back on topic. Like I said before. Get an electric razor if you don't want to spend much time shaving and just shave.
Well trimmed facial hair is fine. Facial hair is not a sign of professionalism, or lack there of. If it was good enough for Abraham Lincoln, it's good enough for an EMT. Now... as far as me personally... I just prefer to shave everyday (sans the period of time I was going through my "scruffy" phase sometime between freshman and sophomore year of college, glad that is over). Though I have contemplated growing growing a mustache or goatee... just do not like the awkward period involved between no facial hair and distinguished looking. ;)
(sans the period of time I was going through my "scruffy" phase sometime between freshman and sophomore year of college

I'm in that phase right now (add a year)

Never wanted facial hair before, and shaved every day for EMT class. First day I got out of EMT class, quit shaving, and now I grew this.
The Bearded Lady seems to get by with it in her professional life.:P
Just to say at the moment I'm on hols so I am sporting a very lazy hobo beard.

A couple of days ago out of curiosity and due to this swine flu yoke I tried a paper mask(N95) and a SCBA mask. There was a notable lack of a definite seal. If i thought I would need to wear any of these for protection, my beard would be cut down in a shot.

As an aside I know it is possible to have a goatee type beard and still maintain a seal. I do not think that a beard = unprofessional, but a lot of work needs to be put in to have it look good, A lot more IMHO than a clean shave every day.
We are allowed "trimmed, well kept facial hair". That goes for the females too. And no, I'm not joking.:sad:
As an aside I know it is possible to have a goatee type beard and still maintain a seal.

Not everybody's goatee will be the same and a lot will depend on the mask you company supplies.

No blankets statements should be used or assumed when it is about your own health and safety.
I think you should determine what your company's policy is, then follow it.
Not everybody's goatee will be the same and a lot will depend on the mask you company supplies.

No blankets statements should be used or assumed when it is about your own health and safety.

Indeed and that is why i said it is possible to have a "safe" goatee, Not that a goatee is safe. It takes alot of care to have it right.
Show up with a beard or goatee or handlebar mustache and you will not be hired in many services.
lol...i have a goetee and lol my mother says to me...(shes a nurse)...is it a requirement that you have to grow facial hair to get your medic?......i laughed really hard...its a trend here i guess...
i can sport the goatee, full beard/mustache, just plain old mustache, or none and still look good.

But yes... it does interefere with respirators... hence why I keep it all under control most of the time