Ever Drop a Patient?

It was during an MCI drill with multiple agencies. Partner and I working an unfamiliar rig (yeah.. I know.. excuses, excuses) We had a high school girl on the stretcher who was one of the volunteer, fake victims. We pulled the gurney out of the rig and the landing gear didn't lock. The minute all four wheels cleared the rig.. Wham... the cot drops to the ground. Luckily the 'pt' was c-spined and backboarded and didn't get hurt. Just surprised us all.

I was riding with Memphis FD doing internship and we put a 17 y/o preg female on the stretcher and it went from first to last position in about 10 sec with her on it. The crew apologized and put it back up and away we went.

I also have had a stretcher with no one on it be overturned by a pd officer anxious to help at a shooting.

Then I fell while getting in the unit once.:blush:
Had a PT leap off the stretcher once. Guess he didn't like heights.
Several years ago... an older one-and-a-half-man Ferno... pulled it out of the back... wheels came down... I swear I heard the click, I really swear....

Anyway, my wrist still hurts me periodically years later from where it was bent back. I repeat what everyone else says... don't try to stop it from collapsing. You'll hurt yourself or someone else.

Back when we used 2 man's. We "Shotgunned" the stretcher out of the back,
Good thing when everyone is on the same page, Ayee!
Anyway the other attendant came out doing a real bad looking summer Sault, landing on the PT.

That was the last shotgun i ever did.