
I suppose next you will argue that it is really demon possesion.

'Tis a witch. Burn them, burn them!
If you really talk to your attempted suicide patients like that at a time where they're very vulnerable like that... You deserve to be kicked in the teeth.

Who are YOU to spread your beliefs onto others in a time where they called you into their home, office, wherever, to help them, in their time of need?

Me thinks Sasha was a Jersey Girl in a second life.
I'm sorry, I don't believe in mental illness, my beliefs don't permit treatment for such ailments. Other than making them feel like it's not actually an illness, more of a feeling that was caused by their actions and views of life. That is just the way I was told to act and feel, I'm not brain washed, but what else am I supposed to do?

But, in retrospect, if they do have a terminal illness or are a medico veggie, then they should have the right to decide if they continue treatment, or die in a comfortable nirvana. I agree with that.

This isn't like the Easter Bunny, the boogey man, or if there is God.

Mental illnesses are very real, and are very destructive.

You either need a new attitude, a new job, or if you are a vollie, a new hobby.

I know first hand Mental Illness is real, having had to deal with my mother's, for most of my life..
Even with all the meds out there to treat it, it's not going to disappear anytime soon!
Plus the fact meds can take up to two months or more to even be of a benefit to those that are ill.
Empathy for those that have it and have to live around it, is the best that you as an EMS person, can do.
Putting your head in the sand and saying it's not a real illness, doesn't help anyone!

This isn't like the Easter Bunny, the boogey man, or if there is God.

Mental illnesses are very real, and are very destructive.

You either need a new attitude, a new job, or if you are a vollie, a new hobby.


Now wait, just because you beleive something different than cowgirl dosen't mean she has to find a new job. Anyone who beleives the things she does could say the same thing to those who are railing on her.
Peoples opinions and beliefs differ. Like it or not, you are spreading your beliefs on someone just by the way you treat them.

I know the subject of euthanasia is a touchy subject. I can see valid points on both sides. So lets all keep an open mind while we exchang ideas, both on this topic and all the rest on this forum. Who knows, you might actually learn something!

Personally, I think that although mental ilness is very real, not all cases are caused by what most people think.

I rember the phrase my instructor reapeated more than any other; "When you think you have learned everthing, it is time to get out of EMS."
I'm sorry, I don't believe in mental illness, my beliefs don't permit treatment for such ailments. Other than making them feel like it's not actually an illness, more of a feeling that was caused by their actions and views of life. That is just the way I was told to act and feel, I'm not brain washed, but what else am I supposed to do?


By far the most ignorant thing I've read here recently.
If you are telling me that you do not believe that Lido reduces ICP in RSI, or that MFI is adequate enough, and full RSI is not needed, that is one thing.

But to say that you do not belive in mental illness?

Whats next, Trauma Centers and Santa Claus, the REAL conspiricy?
Can I ask why you don't?

Because I'm really dying to know how someone could convince themselves of this.
If you are telling me that you do not believe that Lido reduces ICP in RSI, or that MFI is adequate enough, and full RSI is not needed, that is one thing.

But to say that you do not belive in mental illness?

Whats next, Trauma Centers and Santa Claus, the REAL conspiricy?

I'm telling you. It is a difference of opinions and beliefs! I can almost gaurentee you you have a different opinion about things like abortion and other contriversial (spelling???) subjects.
my beliefs don't permit treatment for such ailments. Other than making them feel like it's not actually an illness.

Opinion or not, you treat every patient to the same standard. Guess what, telling them its not an illness and telling them its their fault is the exact opposite of what should be done.
I'm telling you. It is a difference of opinions and beliefs! I can almost gaurentee you you have a different opinion about things like abortion and other contriversial (spelling???) subjects.

Opinion or not, its wrong.

If I were to say all homosexuals are bad people, that would be my opinion. It is flat out wrong.

You can't really have an opinion about a fact, and think you are right.
With the current direction this thread has turned I see a lock in the near future so lets get back on topic. Everyone is in agreement about mental illness being proven with one exception so lets quit bashing and get back on topic or at least wait for a reply that could potentially have some sort of foundation to it.

To Sasha, yes I agree with human euthanasia. I feel it should be used in place of DNR's, the only problem with that thought is like I believe AK mentioned there are families, POA's whatever that won't sign DNR's because they're still holding on too tight. I am all for the idea as long as it's implementation involves a vigorous check and balance system to prevent abuse.
well if they weighs the same as a duck....and a duck wood.....and wood burns.....WE SHALL.......burn em?????
Oh my gosh, this is horrible. Suicide is illegal, and rightly so! Where do people get the right to end their lives? So selfish! Don't get me wrong, I'm all for self rights. But think what it does to their families. Suicide is so horrible, and wrong, and messy. I give all my patients a stern talking to, suggest they think of its impact on those who love them, rather than ending a temporary bout of self pitty. Sorry if that sounds offensive, but it's just how I see things.

Oh yes. I can't remember if I'm 75 or 92. I can't see two inches in front of me, I can't hear anything less powerful than a jet engine, and I have the memory of a developmentally challenged goldfish. I've had 6 bypass surgeries, a heart transplant, I have a medical history that reads like the index in a diagnostician's textbook, I can't remember the last time I went to the bathroom that wasn't in my pants or into a bag connected to a tube that I would prefer not be inserted where it is, I don't recognize my family or longtime friends, and the only thing I know anymore is blinding, agonizing, never-ending, nerve-racking pain. All I want is for the pain to be over. Unfortunately the only way to do this is to end my life. I don't have the ability to do this, and my doctor's hands are tied by somebody who thinks that I shouldn't have the right to decide what to do with MY life. All because of the impact it MIGHT have on those around me, a group of people I can only stare blankly at because I haven't recognized them in ten years.
Sorry, I was trying to be funny. I guess it was only in my eyes.

I highly doubt you were trying to be funny. People didn't agree with your views so you changed them to try and "fit" in. I may not agree with your views as others on here definitely have not but what is worse is you trying to change them because someone doesn't like what you said. Believe in something and stick with it no matter what anyone else thinks.