White Cloud
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My ex was (is) not a very pleasant person, particularly to me and my oldest daughter. We were together over 10 years when I left him early last year. He was controlling and mentally and verbally abusive. He did not support me becoming an EMT and he still feels that EMS takes me away from "his" children and does not approve of me in it at all. He lives in the district we (my boyfriend, oldest daughter who is a new EMT, and I) volunteer for.
I'm not so much concerned with providing quality care or being negligent, because as I see it it's my moral and professional obligation to provide the best care I can no matter what I think of the person. I also know that whether I like him or hate him he's my children's father. My concern is that if something bad did happen, unrelated to the care provided, and he died or became paralyzed or whatnot that the fact that he was a major jerk and I left him could cause issues or bad blood within our families with finger pointing that I could have or should have done something more/different/else or that I did it on purpose.
My daughter takes the stance that as a volunteer EMT in our district she has no obligation to go on the (any) call as long as she is not on schedule or not at the station when a call is dispatched. She has a strong dislike for him and is not as "you do what you've been trained to do" as I am.
I'm not so much concerned with providing quality care or being negligent, because as I see it it's my moral and professional obligation to provide the best care I can no matter what I think of the person. I also know that whether I like him or hate him he's my children's father. My concern is that if something bad did happen, unrelated to the care provided, and he died or became paralyzed or whatnot that the fact that he was a major jerk and I left him could cause issues or bad blood within our families with finger pointing that I could have or should have done something more/different/else or that I did it on purpose.
My daughter takes the stance that as a volunteer EMT in our district she has no obligation to go on the (any) call as long as she is not on schedule or not at the station when a call is dispatched. She has a strong dislike for him and is not as "you do what you've been trained to do" as I am.