Erectile Drug Led to Teen's Death

I made my attic a room for a couple of years, thought I was really hip and nifty :P

I talk to addicts as well, I don't judge them for poor choices. Perhaps some don't really understand addiction and what it does to someone and the mental toll it takes. I consider alcoholism and drug addiction to be mental illness.

The poor kid is dead, let's let the judgement go. Heaven forbid a family member came across this to see "Well he shouldn't have been drinking anyway".

I understand your point, and with all respect to the boy and his family and friends, these things are still important. Even in death he is at fault. It may sound cruel, but everytime something like this happens, it should be an example for kids everywhere.
Yeah, the kid is dead, I feel bad for him and his family.

However, in school we were taught about dangers of that stuff where people slip things in your drinks, so I don't go to party's where alcohol is served, because you can get killed from that AND you have a risk of someone slipping something in your drink as well.

Very true. Let's hope there are more people like you out there and less like me when I was in high school.
Alright, whatever. You win, not sure what to reply to that <_<

Hey, I'm just saying... I went to plenty of parties during my teenage years both with and without alcohol served. (And no, I don't really drink at 21 and did not drink back then.) Kids can still bring knives and guns and crowbars into parties without alcohol.

Also a very good friend of mine had roofies slipped into her soda. It doesn't matter what you are drinking, you have to watch it and be careful. Alcohol is not prerequisite to a dangerous or even a lethal party. Instead of taking an argument away from this, take away the fact that you have to guard your drink when you are out and about, if you lose sight of it even for a second, get a new one. There are some depraved people out there.
Hey, I'm just saying... I went to plenty of parties during my teenage years both with and without alcohol served. (And no, I don't really drink at 21 and did not drink back then.) Kids can still bring knives and guns and crowbars into parties without alcohol.

Also a very good friend of mine had roofies slipped into her soda. It doesn't matter what you are drinking, you have to watch it and be careful. Alcohol is not prerequisite to a dangerous or even a lethal party. Instead of taking an argument away from this, take away the fact that you have to guard your drink when you are out and about, if you lose sight of it even for a second, get a new one. There are some depraved people out there.

Here here! I was my class salutatorian, captain of the lacrosse team, Boys State delegate, inner city student tutor, and worked 18-24 hours a week, and still went to parties where alcohol was served. I was smart enough to not take any pills, but I anyone who wanted to could have slipped me a crushed Viagra in my raspberry ginger ale, even at the parties that didn't serve alcohol at all. My brother tells me lately there has been a trend of not even having alcohol at high school parties due to logistical limitations. It is easier to go to a party the parents know about serving ginger ale to wash down Adderall, Norco, MDMA, OxyContin, or whatever else they want to take privately or in small groups. You have no idea what is going on at any party you go to.
Seeing stiffy meds in combo with booze is pretty common right now. Super popular at clubs... everyone knows that ETOH has deleterious effects on your wood.