EMTLIFE's "Black Holes"

"I'm just a basic, but the medic I'm working with was wrong, this was clearly a patient that needed (c-spine, O2, other treatment beaten into your head during basic class) "

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I always laugh when I see the Dunning-Kruger effect in action..lol
I would love to become a paramedic. What are some of the best fire departments out there? :wacko:
Carrying handguns while on duty.
"How do I take a blood pressure?"
I don't know if anyone else already said it but the always famous and popular "Fire vs EMS". Fire and EMS combined or not.
" Have a patient complaining of nonspecific symptoms with HR:X BP: Y. Resp Z and Spo2 100% what do you think is wrong?"

Answer: You don't know how to present a patient.
"i am 19 have just just left high school / other situation meaning I have zero life experience, I know what phosphofructokinase does because,of my fancy university teachings but can't talk to patients because I have little real world nouse or am immature, I can be a paramedic right?"