EMTLIFE's "Black Holes"


Still crazy but elsewhere
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If you approach an astronomic black hole, there is an "event horizon" past which it draws you inexorably into a whirling maelstrom and eventually into inchoate nothingness.

Doesn't it seem to you we have some "Black Holes" as well?:cool:

What are your idea? (I'll start: "What will fix EMS?", or "THIS will fix EMS!").
(Can we keep it light, despite "Sheldon the Sith" below?);)
What is the best stethoscope?
Where do I buy pants, what is the best knife, should we carry guns, and my all time favorite: I want more pay but don't need no education.
Is EMS a profession? How to we make it a profession?
personal jump kit
Light bars
I just spent tons of money and time now I find out theres no jobs or that pay is low. Why didn't somebody tell me?:rofl:
How do I get an EMT job in SoCal.

Anything involving volunteers.

EMT-Basics performing advanced skills.
How do I get an EMT job in SoCal.

Anything involving volunteers.

EMT-Basics performing advanced skills.

I was taught intubation by a friend. Its not in my scope. I can still do it though right?
What do I do for my first day with a new service or a new job?
"I failed the NREMT three times and I'm testing again in two hours. How can I pass?"
"Here's this interpersonal issue I have with my coworker or supervisor, told only as my version without context. Wat do?"
"So I have this rash"
We should all stop and look back at our earliest posts and threads in EMTLIFE now for a moment of humility...:ph34r:
"Your morally bankrupt if you fail to stop and render aid at every minor fenderbender/your an idiot if you ever touch another person not in your immediate family without the magic shield of immunity of the ambulance".
"I'm just a basic, but the medic I'm working with was wrong, this was clearly a patient that needed (c-spine, O2, other treatment beaten into your head during basic class) "

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Basics save medics. :rofl:
NO not that again...

Anything that results in the words "use the search tool" to be uttered.

You know, these aren't BAD, they just tend to have a predictable outcome. Sort of the ultimate "5=4"