EMTLIFE mini photo scavenger hunt

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Finally made it home from work do I could take a pic.

Tasha, my Choco lab was less than thrilled to help with this.

Chico wasn't very happy

5 patches left

Finally made it home from work do I could take a pic.

Tasha, my Choco lab was less than thrilled to help with this.


Another big lab I love it. Better keep that scope up high or I suspect you might be finding it in the yard peaking out of a pile of, ummm let's just call it opinion.
With ears like that he doesn't even need a scope.


  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk1342111160.138004.jpg
    8.4 KB · Views: 484
I can't stop smiling!
3 patches left

With ears like that he doesn't even need a scope.

Lol no kidding.

Could you have made the picture any smaller ;)
Ok folks I have 3 patches left. I'll be closing this contest tonight so you have about 2 hours left to get your photos in.
Sammy the dog!


  • photo.jpg
    92.6 KB · Views: 493
Parapup Epi ready for duty....err....resting up between calls.....yeah, that's it! Parapup Epi resting up for the next big run!

Awesome contest~!

I have no dog, but I'm really glad you let Aidey's cat win.

Also, Aidey, you should submit that photo to catsinsinks.com. All the 3 year olds I know love looking at cats in sinks.
I was not aware that such a website existed, but I am also not surprised.
That's it for this contest folks

Nice work everybody. This contest is now closed.

I'll contact all winners in the next 24 hours. If you haven't received a PM from me in the next 24 hours requesting your address please send me a reminder.

As always thank you for being an active part of EMTLIFE.

Don't forget to subscribe to the Contest forum for up to the minute info on future EMTLIFE contests.
Couldn't figure out how to get my pic on there! I emailed ya BBG!

Whoops! Nevermind that.
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Couldn't figure out how to get my pic on there! I emailed ya BBG!

Whoops! Nevermind that.


Sorry it was in a different email folder. We have a tie for 10th place. No worries 11 winners 10 winners close enough. I can't count very well anyway :)
Ok folks PMs have been sent to all winners. If you submitted a photo but did not get a PM from me please let me know. Once you PM me back with your address please allow 14 days to receive your patch. Your patch will come by US mail.

If you didn't get to participate this time don't forget to subscribe to the contests forum so that you can get in on the next contest.
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