
It wasn't too long ago, barbers performed surgery. Thus, the origin of the striped barber pole. Doctors, even after graduation, do internships fellowships, etc before they are given full privelages at a hospital. But, our training isn't antwhere near the same. EMS is still evolving, and eventually, somone will figure out that the best scenario is at the minimum an Associates in paraedicine for everyone going into EMS. Make it one level; Paramedic. And, have it standardized over the entire nation. Although I'm sure there are some minor differences, a Doctor in Arizona can easily become a Doctor in Maine without having to undergo further training.

As the system works now though, Tiered training would better benefit everyone in my opinion. Until a DEGREE is required to do the job.

You know what clinicals are? They are internships. Then we get turned loose. Doctors to not stop and spend a year putting bandages on. They go get the education then do internships. Then the get turned loose. Really there is nothing to learn by stopping at the basic level. Get your basic as most states require it and go straight to Paramedic. While in Paramedic Degree program you can get some experience using your basic.

Your right we need to raise the minimum to work on an ambulance. It will be nice when all in EMS are properly educated as patients will be getting better care. It will also benefit the entire emergency healthcare system as more services will start treating and releasing and even denying transport to those that do not need the ambulance or the ER.
I am actually looking into options to gain my paramedic diploma. It's difficult for me, due to the high tuition and still being able to make my bills. However, I talked to one of our recent graduates, and he had some tantalizing options. I will keep you guys posted. And, f it turns out I will attend, I certainly hope I can turn here for some support and answers.

For a brief moment, I considered RRT. But, there is no distance learning for that, and I don't see any practical applications for that particular career in my current location.
A few years? We are discussing the U.S. system where the Paramedic cert can be done in as little as 3 months. The Canadian system may take 3 years.

3 months?? :O Paramedic course here is another year after this year of I.

where are they turning them out in 3 months at?
3 months?? :O Paramedic course here is another year after this year of I.

where are they turning them out in 3 months at?

Here's two examples:



No prerequisites like an A&P class required either.

The unfortunate thing about the U.S. system is the "hours" of training. An EMT course of 110 hours can be stretched to a year. So, when someone in the U.S. says their program is a year long, it could mean 2 hours per week for 52 weeks.
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I suggest we do not promote or even list such. Doing so is promoting "medic mills". If people want to locate these let them do it on their own dime.

R/r 911
And yet another thread goes from a poster asking for specific information deteriorating into repeats of the same posts from the same folks we've seen a dozen times before.
And yet another thread goes from a poster asking for specific information deteriorating into repeats of the same posts from the same folks we've seen a dozen times before.

He is new to the profession and should hear what options there are concerning education as well as opinions from others who have made decisions while being in a similiar phase of their life.

Maybe you would prefer a newbie to get suckered into believing $18k is a great deal for a 3 month medic mill if he does decide to go on for more education.

Maybe we should have a "Frequently Asked Questions" section for some to search before they post.
Another concern with the EMT-I is it is being dropped soon. You will have to become a paramedic or drop to being an EMT- advanced with less available than an EMT-I currently has in many places.
And yet another thread goes from a poster asking for specific information deteriorating into repeats of the same posts from the same folks we've seen a dozen times before.

Other individuals posed additional questions that have led to the progression of this thread. Often threads go in directions no one would expect. It is part of the greatness of a forum of brilliant minds.
And yet another thread goes from a poster asking for specific information deteriorating into repeats of the same posts from the same folks we've seen a dozen times before.

Nothing personal but you don't have to read nor even posts. No one is forcing you to as there are several other EMS forums out there.. but be aware; they basically say the same thing as we have determined what the main problem of EMS is.

R/r 911
Is not the point of forums for discussions? Everyone has an opinion, you post your opinions on forums. Which leads to disagreements and debate. There is nothing wrong with discussion or even heated discussion.

It forces people to be prepared. To bring something to the discussion. Im not a fan of name calling. However Ive spent a decade or so in EMS I have been called names in languages I couldnt even pronounce, is it right? No. Will I lose sleep over it? Doubtful.
dont let me miss-lead you I'm not going to a medic mill, I'm going to take it all the way to paramedic.