The private company I work at starts EMT-B's between $8.00 and $9.00 and hour, however we work 48's and 72's totaling a 168 hrs in a pay period, so 88 of those hours are OT and believe it or not, the checks arent that bad if you're a full time employee...
9/hr x 80 hrs = 720. 13.5 x 88 hrs = 1188. Your biweekly gross is 1908. Take out 1/3 in taxes and you have 1278.36, or 639.18/wk.
Your weekly gross is 954. You're making as much as someone earning 23.85/hr in a 40 hour/wk job. Good money for sure. But you're working 84 hours a week. That's as much as two FT employees. Your company is getting over on you, as they're paying you an average of 11.35/hr to do the work hours of two FT employees; they're only paying the benefits, such as paid time off, medical, retirement, SS, payroll expenses, admin positions, etc largely necessary for only one.
I hope that 168 hr/pay period isn't your normal, fixed work schedule, but instead a reflection of available OT. Think about it. You're doing the work of two employees, but only receiving the vacation days, sick days, 401k contribution (or pension multiplier if you're lucky), of one. Employers typically pay around 75% of the premium for a family medical plan, if not more. If they only have to pay for one plan, not two, then they're getting over on you. That's your share of the plan, co-pays, and any applicable deductibles right there. If you're even being made to pay a yearly deductible on your plan, you need to get the employer to absorb that for the above reason.
This isn't anything personal towards you, but it infuriates me when employers take advantage of labor.
With working 168 hours/wk, when are you home? You're spending exactly 1/2 of your life at work (336 hours = 14 days), not including travel time and late calls.
Up until the past two years or so, the average (decent) employer would give COLA's of 3%/yr, in addition to regular raises. If basics are only getting 8-9/hr now, what was it a few years ago? I'm guessing that they don't do COLA's or percentage based salary increases, since your base salary would compound, just like compound interest (rule of 72).
The next time they give you a sob story when the issue of raises are brought up, advise them of the above points. These are also great points for collective bargaining, should you decide to organize.
Companies that draw your attention to (starting) salary only, in this case a 168 hr/wk payout, are likely attempting to draw your attention away from other shortcomings.