EMT-B Students!!!

Heh, RescueYou, reminds me of my class. The EMT class I was planning to take required that you have an FR cert. and an AHA cert. before you could take the EMT class. On the first day of the FR cert. class, the teacher said "If you do not like touching people or do not like getting touched yourself, you picked the wrong field. Get out of the class now." I swear half the class walked out! I thought it was hilarious. It's funny how quick people can change their mind. :)
Oh I know! Nobody in my class walked out, but many didn't return for the 2nd semester...hell, many didn't return for the 2nd class! It was funny because the first words out of my instructor's mouth was "Hate blood? Hate people? Need a full 8hrs of sleep? Don't like puke? Get dizzy riding backwards? Don't like getting your 'bubble' invaded? Can't take orders? Scared of heights? Can't wake up easily? Can't work under fire? If you have any of those, get out of my classroom NOW." Oh the joys of EMT-B classes.... :-P
Haha. I must say, my first interactions with patients were awkward and damn near terrifying. Idk why, I was just so nervous. My very first thing was taking a BP, and I was so nervous I couldn't get it lol. I already have naturally unsteady hands and anytime I deal with a pt I get a little shaky still - not from fear, but just general excitement. I love it though.

and yes ASK QUESTIONS. If there is a concern about anything, ask in class and get it out of the way. Yea, there are stupid questions - but not asking the stupid questions = stupid mistakes in the field. be aggressive in class with note taking, questions, and doing your hands-on skill stations. Be assertive, go first.
A friend of mine told me about this site and I've found a lot of great information here so far. I'm currently in my EMT-B program and have had a blast so far. We start our clinicals next week and I can't wait. I know the first few times of patient interaction will probably be awkward, but that's part of the job so I better get use to it. :ph34r:
A friend of mine told me about this site and I've found a lot of great information here so far. I'm currently in my EMT-B program and have had a blast so far. We start our clinicals next week and I can't wait. I know the first few times of patient interaction will probably be awkward, but that's part of the job so I better get use to it. :ph34r:

The best way to get over the awkwardness/nervousness is get alot of contact time with the pt. if the crew permits (mine were awesome), keep a dialogue with the pt open. discuss stuff with them. my medic had me sitting on the bench seat for all IFTs and non-emergency/stable transports. after a few pts I was cutting up with them and having a good time.

the only reason I got nervous after a while was waiting for 'the call'. I never truly got broken in with something bad, and I anticipated it up until my last call. Every time the toner would go off, it was a great suspense for me until we got to the scene.
I know that after having to stand in front of a camera for a mock crime scene in a Criminology class I was taking and surviving an oral interview with the U.S. Border Patrol, I'd like to say that I should be fine with patients and my upcoming scenarios. Am I nervous? Yes, but not nearly as much as I would of been this time a couple years ago. I just know it's part of the job, and I use that nervousness to overcome and actually fuel my drive to succeed.

I know I have plans I want to do, like getting my NREMT and obtaining work out west while also working on furthering my EMS/Public Service career. I have a wonderful cheerleader helping drive me as well, and thank her everyday. :)
Yea, there are stupid questions - but not asking the stupid questions = stupid mistakes in the field. be aggressive in class with note taking, questions, and doing your hands-on skill stations. Be assertive, go first.

The only stupid question is the one not asked.
The only stupid question is the one not asked.

Exactly. However, my college english professor said it best when he made a statement to the effect of 'there ARE stupid questions. everyone knows this. but by not asking the stupid questions, you will become a stupid person.' Yes, he's pretty cynical, but he has a point. If you don't ask the question you view as stupid, you can't learn whats right.

I take national registry Tuesday. I have English homework, studying for a World Civ essay exam, and now registry all to be done on that day. Wish me luck.

Can anyone inform me of how long it takes to get the results? Everyone I know has taken it on a Thursday and gotten the results the next day. Do you always get the results the following business day or do they release the results every friday?
Hey all. Just thought i'd stop in to check out what other students in other areas were dealing with, and I see that my experiences have been fairly similar. I'm 29, and about 1/3 of the way through my EMT-B classes. Having previously been an X-Ray Tech for the better part of a decade, alot of this stuff is not new to me, but EMS is (obviously) quite a bit different. As an X-Ray Tech I specialized in surgery and trauma, so this seemed to be a natural next step when I decided that I no longer wanted to continue in my field.
Finished my NREMT

just finished my NREMT-B and passed...Recieved my hard card and did my disclosure, when do they send my minnesota state card or is there somthing ealse i have to complete?:unsure:

my names Tiffany-26, Im now starting the 2nd half of my B course.. i really enjoy it..:)

were supposed to start scheduling our clinicals soon..im so terribly nervous u have no idea :(

the funny thing is i worked in a hospital before, and been around pts but ..im scared. eek!

my names Tiffany-26, Im now starting the 2nd half of my B course.. i really enjoy it..:)

were supposed to start scheduling our clinicals soon..im so terribly nervous u have no idea :(

the funny thing is i worked in a hospital before, and been around pts but ..im scared. eek!

The hospital is a controlled environment. That is why EMS is very exciting. Don't stress over your clinicals. Just make sure you are up to par on your vitals before you hit the field. Have fun and get dirty. Good luck with your class and if you have any questions feel free to message me.
I started school in January, have my ride along TODAY!!! With my Instructor. Very excited!
I'm about half way done with my course and enjoying it very much. The only thing that worries me is I'm a complete medical rookie (other than CPR classes) and we haven't had very many practicals.

My first ride along is Saturday and I am so looking forward to that!
We just got done with our midterm... ride alongs coming soon! I'm *very* excited about that. I can't complain too much about anything so far... having a lot of fun.

I know I've jumped the gun a bit by running out and getting an "Ambulance Driver's Handbook" at the DMV so soon but... what can I say? I like this stuff. :wacko:
I know I've jumped the gun a bit by running out and getting an "Ambulance Driver's Handbook" at the DMV so soon but... what can I say?
They have Ambulance Driver's Handbooks? I'll have to pick one up next time I'm in town.