My experience was not so good as I would have hoped.
The academy can be challenging if one is out of state. That's a good thing because it keeps you striving to do well. Any questions I had everyone answered and they helped out.
On the streets was a different story. I noticed a resentment that some EMSA employees had for the OKC FD. FD was super cool & very professional. I believe in working together. I don't believe in "I'm in charge. Anything I say goes" attitude, which some EMSA employees had. An attitude was present towards hospital staff too. A lot of friendly RNs in OKC. It's a shame they get crap from some EMSA employees.
I felt the academy taught one way and employees did the opposite. Every company has these types of employees. It made field training very difficult for me. I was told I would be given a write up for a safety violation, due to the fact that I "Kneeled down to eye level of a psych patient and he could have punched you". I've dealt with many psychiatric patients before. The patient was not violent. He was calm with me as well as the police. He ended up being able to refuse, which was no biggie. I think his mom thought he was doing drugs.My preceptor changed his mind, and tore the write up apart. BTW, 2 safety violations calls for termination.
When I tried to do some TX, such as ETCO2 for a Pt who was hyperventilating, my preceptor removed it, threw it away and said "She doesn't need it" I was shocked and didn't know what to say.
I was told I couldn't use my hotel bills towards moving expenses. I was planning on working as an Intermediate, so I could get more experience instead of going full out Paramedic. I was new to the city and I was used to a Fire Based EMS system. I thought it would be good to do. I could be employed as a Medic, with Medic pay. Working as an Int would be 6 months. Then I found out I wouldn't get Medic pay for doing this.
I'm a diabetic and I am in excellent physical shape. I couldn't survive paying 800 bucks for Insulin with no insurance. Insurance doesn't kick in for 3 months!
All in all, I got frustrated. I love this career. I loved being busy. I believe they need to take a closer look at who they make a FTO. I understand they are short staffed. However, I think many people take the position for the extra pay. This wasn't a shocker. It happens at every company. It's frustrating.
Not sure why they make the classroom academy 2 weeks. Some large municipal EMS services have 3 month academies.
Would I go back? Perhaps. I'm getting my RN right now. I would love to work for the Trauma Hospital & Childrens Hospital FT.As I mentioned earlier, they have some very smart, funny & friendly MDs & RNs.
There is a diner right across from the EMSA training academy. Forgot the name.They have a great Chicken Fried Steak. Not something to eat all the time, especially for me. It is worth trying once.
I hope this helps. Your experience might be better than my experience. I would give it a shot if I were you. Even if it doesn't work out, you'll get some great experience to take with you on your journey in medicine! Good luck!