EMS TV shows


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Is there any ems shows that can be downloaded or found on TV. I know of the usuals like rescue 911 and such, im looking for more recent ones
The immortal

Mother, Jugs, and Speed.

Still the most accurate portrayal to date.
Yeah, it is. There actually was a study in one of the major medical journals back in the 1990s looking (NEJM if memory serves) at the survival rate for CPR on TV (ER, Chicago Hope, Rescue 911) and the real survival rates. Especially for Rescue 911 it was very inaccurate.

As for Trauma.....all I have to offer is the suggestion to read this: http://emtlife.com/showthread.php?t=14612 . It was to EMS what HawthoRNe is to nursing ( http://emtlife.com/showthread.php?t=13355 ).
I think the closest I have seen to reality is First In, but they focus mainly on the fire side although they do handle rescue calls. I am not sure if the show was renewed or not. It was on BET.
I watched the first episode on Netflix and have yet to watch another one. It is a horrible show.

Oh come on, Trauma was not all that much worse than anything else out there on primetime. You can't watch it for realism any more than I can watch 24 for an accurate portrayal of computer security (don't even get me started). I don't know about you guys, but when I ride the ambulance it is a non-stop day of sex, trauma, and rock-n-roll... ;) I was a little intrigued by the story lines involving medical control and adherence to protocols, but they seemed more interested in doing romance stories. Oh well.

I'm not sure what her name is, but I've seen a character on Grey's Anatomy put her stethoscope in backwards at least 3 or 4 times (and I don't regularly watch that show, so I can only assume it is always like that). Frankly, the medical stuff on General Hospital (aside from the obvious plot-device medicine) seems to be as good or better than the stuff on primetime.

CPR is one place where even House usually lets me down... just last week with the otherwise quite good cannibal episode, I saw some pretty poor compressions. I guess no one really cares to dramatize good CPR, since they are doing it on an actual actor who would prefer to keep his ribs intact and his heart un-compressed, but still...

On a related note, I've never seen Bringing Out the Dead, amazingly enough. I am a huge fan of Scorcese though, so if it's bad I'm not sure I want to watch it. Thoughts?
'All Saints' is very good!

I know this is an Australian ER/EMS TV show.....
Youtube as attached....
(This episode is from one of their later shows. Season 12....the one screening on NZ TV's at the moment is from Season 10).
There is a large amount of this TV show down loaded onto youtube.

It beats hands down most I've seen.
Not that I watch that many, but I'm willing to give most a first viewing, at least.
It's fiction, but the medical directors that cover the medical content, always keep it interesting and the wound makeup is excellent!
I assume they use real surgical footage in many of the scenes, as well, as it is very graphic at times.
I'm sure our Aussie members will be able to tell you what they think of the show?

Cheers Enjoynz
To prepare yourself for the real thing. Its the most accurate depiction of EMS I've ever seen on tv.

The only thing closer to reality regarding civilian EMS is the EFMB, of course. ;)
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I'm not sure what her name is, but I've seen a character on Grey's Anatomy put her stethoscope in backwards at least 3 or 4 times (and I don't regularly watch that show, so I can only assume it is always like that).

Its funny I never used to notice much when watching medical shows but one of the most common mistakes I notice now that I've been through basic training is the fact that they never put a nasal cannula on correctly. It's always upside down, behind the head ect... It's kind of like watching a barbarian movie and then noticing that one of the "horde" has on tennis shoes.
On a related note, I've never seen Bringing Out the Dead, amazingly enough. I am a huge fan of Scorcese though, so if it's bad I'm not sure I want to watch it. Thoughts?

Bringing Out The Dead is awesome! Although its a bit dated as its based on a novel that recalls a NY paramedic's encounters back in the 90s.

I know some people that can't stand it...it's one of those polarizing films where you're either going to love it or hate it....I for one, being a scorcese fan, loved it , and appreciate the dark humor scattered throughout a plot dotted with a "3AM surrealism"

Check it out!
You can always the stream all six seasons of the original and best ems show ever , Emergency, on netflix.
As far a the show Trauma goes:

I know everyone I work with in EMS :censored::censored::censored::censored:s all over the show....but I also think EMS'ers take it for a literal representation of what we do.

At the end of the day....it's still show business.... and its target demographic audience are presumably people who aren't exposed to the everyday scenes we are called to....the networks need to entice the viewer with lots of blood, guts, and action...even if its blown way out of proportion ( hey, they need to obtain advertising revenue at the end of the day)

I mean, did i laugh when I watched the scene where rabbit hooked up a LP12 to a traumatic arrest burn pt and the scene showed the triple dotted line ( indicating no pads where attached) and subsequently exclaimed "HE'S ASYSTOLIC!"....of course i did! But, i also knew enough that I was probably less that 3% of the viewing audience that would know any different and just took in the rest of the show for what it was...lol

I'm not watching the shiow for con-ed, you know what i mean?

Although, I'd love to see a modern day EMERGENCY!
As far a the show Trauma goes:

I know everyone I work with in EMS :censored::censored::censored::censored:s all over the show....but I also think EMS'ers take it for a literal representation of what we do.

At the end of the day....it's still show business.... and its target demographic audience are presumably people who aren't exposed to the everyday scenes we are called to....the networks need to entice the viewer with lots of blood, guts, and action...even if its blown way out of proportion ( hey, they need to obtain advertising revenue at the end of the day)

I mean, did i laugh when I watched the scene where rabbit hooked up a LP12 to a traumatic arrest burn pt and the scene showed the triple dotted line ( indicating no pads where attached) and subsequently exclaimed "HE'S ASYSTOLIC!"....of course i did! But, i also knew enough that I was probably less that 3% of the viewing audience that would know any different and just took in the rest of the show for what it was...lol

I'm not watching the shiow for con-ed, you know what i mean?

Although, I'd love to see a modern day EMERGENCY!

I can't remember where I saw it, but there was a Canadian medical school survey done and something around 80% of the respondants admitted to "learning" medicine and medical procedures from tv.

Given the sense of humor of most med students I know, I very much doubted the accuracy of this questionaire, which is probably why I don't have a copy or reference to it, (I think it might have been in New Physician) but if it was true even 1 time, doesn't it seem like there is a failure somewhere?

I can't imagine the amount of those in EMS who may think "House" qualifies as medical education. (My wife watches it religiously and I always get questioned on what is real or not and what it is really like.)

I think the problem everyone has with trauma might be that they were expecting basically a modern emergency (and all the good that show did for EMS) and the result was not that.

If you really made a show portraying what real Fire and EMS is like, it wouldn't even get past the pilot. It would be that boring.
If you really made a show portraying what real Fire and EMS is like, it wouldn't even get past the pilot. It would be that boring.

As mentioned before, it doesn't matter if it's accurate as long as it draws viewers. It's about money, not realism. I'm still in EMT-B school and have yet to even see spider straps used with a longboard on there. Interesting how different people here will see different things depending on their experience and training.

I practice English Longsword as a martial art and can say the same about that. Real sword combat is (with a few exceptions) nothing like what Hollywood presents.

I do agree that it would be great to see an Emergency! remake, hopefully with less contrived drama than Trauma presents. But let's be real, the copter crash in the first episode was just fun to watch.
2.) RESCUE 77
6.) RESCUE 911 (Reality)
7.) PARAMEDIC’S (Reality)
9.) MOTHER, JUGS & SPEED (Movie)

Hope this helps ya!