EMS knowledge "burnout" after getting first job?

Things that annoy me beyond reason #609: "I don't WANT to be an EMT. But I need the money"

Wow. This is such a stupid idea. Let's not just look at the obvious "If you enjoy what you do, you'll never work a day in your life", but if this guy is just here to make some money, lets face it, there's better ways. We aren't that well paid.

Most of you will know that I was a computer engineer for years before I became an EMT. I took a 20K pay cut to do something I love. And that's why you should do it. Not as a passing the time job. How would you like if your mother or whoever is close to you was being treated by someone that was just there to pass some time?

No, onto your lack of knowledge. Who's fault is it? Answer: Yours!

Ok. You passed your test. Well done. When I started this, even back as a vol in 1996, when I didn't know something, guess what, I read up as much as I could on it. Things WAY above my pay grade, but it's my pride and the pride of being an EMT that I didn't want to be in that situation ever. I know no-one knows everything when they start but say I didn't know what a particular disease was all about? I'd Google it, find books and learn about it. that way I know that when I have the question again, I won't look like an idiot.

Oh. Not knowing about a GI bleed. Seriously? That's covered in the EMT-B course.... Someone didn't listen. Fact.

On another note: Things that annoy me beyond reason #610: People who go to EMT class with no intention of being an active EMT. Like stepping stone people. But that's another matter!

And my final thought on this. Leave this career to people who actually want to be in it.

Be good to yourself. And each other

(I'm so sued for that last line....)
ok first of all....stop being a whiny little *(place word here)*...i busted my a$$ to get my EMT..i didnt have the money but i worked at stop and shop and a deli and a hardware store to get it...then i worked as an EMT and learned and grew...i then busted my a$$ again to go through medic school...and still am...so dont tell me or anyone here that *you have it hard* Mr. filmaker nothings impossible.......I will be a extremly young paramedic and noone said i could do it but i again *busted my a$$*....your a danger to you, your pts, and us as a community.....have a good day but please i beg you..get out of EMS...
Anonymouse, this was the wrong place to stop by and look for uncritical love.

I genuinely feel for you. "The movies" are not like other businesses, or even like other forms of art ($$$$$ being the first barrier between it and, say, charcoal cartoons). In fact, since the big studios pretty much closed shop, "the movies" aren't even like themselves. You will not, repeat, not, get anywhere in the field without social skills like an otter in water: slick, fast and lethally proficient. Especially if you aren't into being scrutinized, that is not your field.

Used to be "working ambulance" was like "working lettuce" or some other seasonal job. If you get on with a company hiring like that, the pay is low, benefits, scarce and firings frequent. Understand that you can hurt, torture, kill, maim people, (and there are also others besides your coworkers and fellow motorists at stake!). That is also not your field.

Make movies and distribute them on the Net. Get out of EMS. The skills are nice, but the profession is not yours. Find the show business proverbial "day job", it's proverbial for a reason...it works, it's time honored, it is usually as close to making a living as most show business neophytes ever get.

Don't give up, let the discouragement fade a little then go in another direction.

(And a point for your future consideration here is that hostile posters tend to get stomped. Whiners tend to get shown the door. I'm still trying to figure why I'm still hanging around) ...Good luck!
Deleted.. I just can't.... I tried.. but I just can't.... I am the mother of a 23 year old.. and I want to call him right now and tell him how proud I am of him...

2nd rant deleted.. because there is just no point... sigh:wacko:
You guys are killing me!
