• Before posting in this section, please take a moment and review our EMS Job Posting Guidelines.

EMS Job Posting Guidelines

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Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Reaction score
Here are the rules for posting a job opening in this forum.

1) The thread title must include the location of the job
2) The post must contain, at a minimum, the following information
  1. Company Name
  2. Job position / title
  3. Contact info at the company
  4. Phone number / website of company job posting
  5. When job listing expires / application submission deadline
3) If possible, further details should be provided if known (benefits, pay, schedule, etc...)

Once a thread is started in this forum, it will be automatically closed. Updates will not be allowed to be posted, nor will we allow additional threads to post more information. If you have further questions about a posting, you will need to contact the member via PM, or contact the company directly. In addition, all threads and posts in this forum will require the approval of a Community Leader before they become visible to everyone. This is to ensure that the posting meets the minimum requirements outlined above.

EMTLife can not, and will not, verify the accuracy of any information posted in this forum. We will be removing any threads that do not meet the above requirements.
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This is just a reminder to all for the rules of posting in this sub-forum. We've been pretty lax in enforcing the criteria mentioned above, but that will no longer be the case.

If you post does not meet the criteria listed above, it will be removed.
Just a reminder to all members that any replies to posts here will be removed per the rules of this sub-forum.
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