EMS in Portland OR


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Hey everyone... long time no post. Anywhoo, I am considering moving to Oregon from CA I was just wondering if anyone knows or has experience in their EMS system. Companies that are good to work for? Who runs 911 calls? anything else that may be helpful. I have already sent for my application for reciprocity. Thanks guys!
They have ambulances in Oregon?

Yanno.. Ya never hear any news about Oregon.. Unless something happens.
Good to have you back.

AMR has an operation in Oregon... they are good peoples.... ;)
Yeah, I'm gonna try to log on more, I really miss you guys!
Code Surfer, good luck with the process. I just recieved my OR reciprocity and it was a pain in the arse.

There are several things you need to be aware of which complicated things for me.

First, once you have submitted the proper paperwork and fees, it will take 10-12 weeks for OR licensure. It took me 11.5 weeks. This is due in part to their extensive 50 state background check which is handled bya private contractor that has this time line established in his contract. No exceptions and no way to speed up the process.

Second, if you were not first licensed as a medic prior to 1999, you must have an associates degree. I did not have to worry about this one as I was grandfathered, but for the record I got my AS last year(hooray).

Third, you have to get notarized paperwork from every state you have ever been licensed in, whether current or not. This took several weeks for me, in addition to the 10-12 weeks because I had to mail out these forms and wait for each agency to mail them back to me in sealed envelopes, so I could then turn around and send the forms all at once to OR.

Fourth, you need a letter of intent to hire from whom ever you are going to work for. Kind of funny, you cant get a license till someone says they are going to hire you, but who is going to do that without knowing whether or not you will pass through their background check. I am sure they are out there, I was being facetious.

I think that about sums it up, just be very patient as they take their time. There is no temporary license, nothing that allows you to work while awaiting the final license.

So it took me one month to get all their notarized forms back from the other states, complete my fingerprint card and send them the money. Then it took over 11 weeks to get my OR license. A very long drawn out process..good luck!
Glad to see they're through but geezzzzzzzzzz.. The money must be GREAT?? LOL
I recieved my packet and ran into the same problems mentioned above. Lucky for me I have only worked in CA with one company so that should simplify things a bit. Does anyone know how the oregon pay compares the San Diego? I should call and find out from some of the local companies.
:) :) :) Welcome Back! :) :) :)

Long time no see! Good to have you home.