I ride a sportbike. I don't ride like an idiot. I ride with friends who ride on sportbikes, and they don't do it either. If we have someone join our group and they try that, we don't ride with them. There are sportbike groups in the DFW area who do the same thing.
My goal wasn't to imply that all sport bike owners are like that, but I do still think that there is a high percentage of people that choose sport bikes specifically so they can experience the 'thrill' of taking chances on the road.
If you purchase a bike because of its "high performance", "quick turns", and "quick stopping", you're likely going to want to use those features. I think there's just an unfortunate number of riders that think the appropriate place to do that is in the middle of a busy freeway, rather than somewhere a bit more purpose-built. (Same could be said for owners of sports cars, by the way. Why do you think insurance is way more for a $50,000 sports car than a high end $50,000 minivan?)
Ultimately, I think that it motorcycling licensing should include a mandatory review of the increased dangers. Plain and simple, you're not as safe on a motorcycle as you are in a car. Perhaps a few photos of some severe trauma caused by bike accidents would spur some people to protect themselves by thinking a bit more about how they drive.
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