My issue is my wife always compares her job with mine. I can’t compare both our jobs. She is at home most of the time. She deals with some phone calls and mostly in office drama.
she throws it in my face that I chose this job.
I don’t get a lot days off sadly marriage is my other job, I feel. At work I drive all day, I tech all day. I have to deal with ift and 911s so it’s a roll
Of the dice how much day is. And I can’t for the life me take it seriously when she says
“I work hard too”
when I just dealt with a full code, a stab wound, a sexual assault, no real lunch. In the rain, in the snow, in the heat. So she doesn’t understand when I need a day off not to drive, not to think. She just doesn’t understand. That’s my current issue.
she throws it in my face that I chose this job.
I don’t get a lot days off sadly marriage is my other job, I feel. At work I drive all day, I tech all day. I have to deal with ift and 911s so it’s a roll
Of the dice how much day is. And I can’t for the life me take it seriously when she says
“I work hard too”
when I just dealt with a full code, a stab wound, a sexual assault, no real lunch. In the rain, in the snow, in the heat. So she doesn’t understand when I need a day off not to drive, not to think. She just doesn’t understand. That’s my current issue.