EMS agencies that pay for employees to attend paramedic school


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
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Does anyone know of any agencies that will pay their employees to attend paramedic school? I only know of one in NC and one in NY.

I don't mean pay for the courses, but rather take them off a truck and have them paid their hourly wage in exchange for a contract (or no contract) where they will work for that agency for 2+ years.
Never heard of one, but sign me up! That would be a sweet deal, and sign of a good employer.

I think AMR will do a differential if you go through medic while employed as an EMT and then upgrade. Can't remember the specifics and it might have been operation dependent.
Doesn't Acadaian offer that?
Someone from Central Canada may want to correct me, but I believe the Toronto Paramedic Service has an in house Advanced Care Paramedic program for their Primary Care people who are upgrading to ALS. My agency, BC Ambulance has paid training for the Critical Care and Neonatal/Infant Transport Team programs.
Hall Ambulance Kern County, CA
Hall pays for the school, everything included and about $30,000 salary (based on the standard hourly rate, overtime optional) during school.

A 2 year commitment is required after school, or you can buy out the contract early.
I was also told that Orange County NC will pay for your paramedic training with a 2 year commitment to work there as a medic (they call it a paramedic academy). So will FDNY.
The Colorado Springs Fire Dept did that for a while. They'd send a group of FFs up to Denver to do a fulltime program. They paid for lodging in Denver as well normal salary and benefits.

They now use a traditional length program that is local. If your shift falls on a class day, you go to class but still get paid. If your shift falls on a non-class day you go to work. That's how it works at my agency as well.
Poudre Valley Hospital EMS (Now part of University of Colorado Health) in Fort Collins CO. Thompson Valley EMS in Loveland CO does the same. They choose two FT EMTs who meet their requirements and pay all costs of paramedic school while continuing to pay them their salaries. After graduation they are guaranteed a job as a paramedic in the system and must work for them for two years. Pretty sweet deal...

Sussex County sometimes hires paramedic students partway through their program and pays for the remainder of their program while also paying them a "student" hourly wage. After graduation they are paid their standard paramedic wage and must work for the county for some number of years to repay the debt.
AMR does a reimbursement depending on your gade at the end of paramedic school.
Many fire departments in my area do this... and in some cases, there is no obligation after school (although generally they are civil service departments which are difficult to get on).
My service (York Region Paramedic Services) contracts ACP training to one of the colleges who run the didactic portions at our HQ. Students are pulled off the road and assigned to school as their FT job for the year.
EMSA In Oklahoma does. You have to be empoyleed with them for 6 months then you can apply for the Paramedic Program and you sign a 2-3 year contract and they pay you while in class and you work still i think. Pretty good program if you want to be a medic and stay with the company!