Does your department have a web site?


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Does your department have a web site? If so, post a link here.

Waynesboro Ambulance Squad, Inc.

htttp:// no longer works.
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With all the new members joining I thought I would bring this topic back near the top.

We've had 10 people join since I last brought this to the top so I thought I would try one more time.


There are a bunch of ads (it's a free site) but I made it myself, and we have yet to convince the powers that be to pay for a no-ads site... working on it though!
LOL.. Vial of Life... I worked with a guy who said he invented that.

Originally posted by rescuelt@Jul 6 2004, 01:21 PM

There are a bunch of ads (it's a free site) but I made it myself, and we have yet to convince the powers that be to pay for a no-ads site... working on it though!
Web Hosting is so cheap at this point, I'm still shocked people don't have sites.

I had 10+ domains with RegisterFly, they'll register your domain and have support for $9.99 a year. I'd suggest them if this is your first time, it's cheap, and they have live support. has domains for $6.49, you can't beat that.

You can get web hosting for only $10 a year. If you require no support,, has the cheapest hosting around, and they have been around for serveral years.

If you're looking for amazing support with a ton more features, has hosting for $7 a month, with absolutely amazing features. They've been around for many years, and are one of the big names in hosting. I dont have an account with them, but whenever anyone asks for a good web host, I suggest them.

You'd be amazed at how many people will visit your web site once you have one.
Originally posted by rescuelt@Jul 6 2004, 11:21 AM

There are a bunch of ads (it's a free site) but I made it myself, and we have yet to convince the powers that be to pay for a no-ads site... working on it though!
I was looking at your website and noticed it had a traditional 7 digit number to call for emergencies.

What's up with that? :blink:
Originally posted by ffemt8978@Jul 7 2004, 02:06 AM
I was looking at your website and noticed it had a traditional 7 digit number to call for emergencies.

What's up with that? :blink:
We can be dispatched in 2 ways:

911 - we have enhanced 911 which is GREAT if you plan on passing out while you're on the phone - then we can still track you down. Otherwise, it sucks. 911 is PD which then has to notify FireCom which then calls our dispatcher at the Northport FD (next town over) who then sets off our tones.

757-5700 - this is the direct "RED LINE" to our dispatcher at the Northport FD (next town over) who then sets off our tones. Much faster, but not enhanced. Don't plan on passing out if you call this line.

Case in point: I had an active MI call. The wife called 911. After 10 minutes, she hadn't heard the siren or any trucks (she lives right behind the FD) so she called the local #, and within 1 minute the siren went off, and 1 minute after that myself and the ambulance rolled up to her house.
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The unofficial site, which is not yet completed is:

Level Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.

However, this will soon be changing to the official one here soon......hopefully. :lol:
Originally posted by cbdemt@Aug 11 2004, 11:48 AM
What is the difference between the Youth Squad, Senior Corps, and Support personel? (besides the age)
Youth Squad (ages 14 - 18)
These members provide a support function to the Corps. They put together and perform fundraisers, wash trucks for parades and open houses, march in parades, staff open houses, and perform other volunteer/community related activities together. Due to their age, parents must sign permission slips for all off-site activities and all youth squad members return to the Corps after an activity by 9pm. The exception to that rule is youth squad members who chose to be "riding" members and/or dispatchers. These members go through the same basic 6 month first aid, CPR and dispatcher training as the senior corps members. Youth squaders can ride along on the ambulance if they want to, and while they cannot ride alone, they often prove to be a very valuable extra set of hands, eyes, and ears. The dispatching members are well trained and perform dispatching duties under the watchful eye of a senior corps member for a number of months. Upon satisfaction of certain in-house requirements, they are allowed to dispatch alone if they choose.

Senior Corps (age 18+)
These are the riding EMT-B, EMT-CC and EMT-P members, all 18+ years of age. Many of these members also dispatch and drive. All drivers must be 21 or older, hence the reason the minimum age for support personnel is 21. See below.

Support Personnel (age 21+)
These are non-riding members such as dispatchers and a few firefighter drivers (fire department members who drive for us but have no medical training). Every member must take an EMT basic class within their first two years at the Corps, but support personnel are not required to maintain the training in order to continue to volunteer.

The system works quite well and allows volunteers of all ages to fufil a variety of duties which suit them best. The majority of members are senior corps (riding) members.
Originally posted by rescuelt@Jul 7 2004, 08:21 PM
757-5700 - this is the direct "RED LINE" to our dispatcher at the Northport FD (next town over) who then sets off our tones. Much faster, but not enhanced. Don't plan on passing out if you call this line.
There's a direct line into our dispatch center as well. I keep that number, as well as the main line to our police dispatcher, programmed in my cell phone.

The main reason I do that is that currently in Southern California, all 911 calls from cell phones go to the the California Highway Patrol dispatch center in Los Angeles (and I HAVE gotten a busy signal calling 911 from the cell in the past). The cell phone companies and dispatch centers are supposed to be coming up with a system where cell phone 911 calls go to the nearest dispatch center, but it's not in place yet except in a few areas. So, if I'm driving around town and come across an incident, the best way for me to call it in from my cell is to dial the direct line.