Do you have to keep your NREMT active once you get your state license


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I received a question from somebody and this is the answer I gave. Does anybody know for Illinois specifically?

I had a question that it seems like you are knowledgeable about. I was certified in January of 2008 through taking the NREMT-B exam. I noticed today when reviewing my education requirements that my NREMT-B certification will expire in 2010 and my IL license expires in 2011. Do I need to independently renew each license, including the seperate CE requirements, or will renewing one automatically renew the other?
Well in Michigan you do not. You only need to pass NREMT once to initially get your Michigan license. After that, you can let you're NREMT lapse. Most everybody I know does/will do that. As long as you have enough CE's in Michigan, thats all you need. I would assume so in Illinois too but your best bet would be to call the state.
Depends on the state.

In Texas, you need the NR to get originally certified, but you can lapse on the NR and keep the Texas cert. They require less CEs and over 4 years, so that's what some people do.
I know in Ohio you have to get your NREMT card first to get your state card, but afterwards you are no longer required to keep it current. But as far as IL, I would check with your state office to b e 100%.
Contact your state EMS office for an official answer. Do you really trust forums for a professional career answer?

My state has just reinstated mandatory NREMT again.

R/r 911
After checking, it doesn't appear as though they require NREMT, but I don't have an exact answer. I am shocked to see quite a few states recently have changed their requirements to include that you must maintain your NREMT, in addition to any state license.

Stupidest thing I've done in EMS is let me NREMT expire.
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No doubt Matt, i'll be taking my NREMT cert to the grave with me. lol, i never want to feel the stress of retaking that blasted quiz again
We're moving in the direction of requiring a NR license renewal. Whatever will be will be. What most people don't realize it that National Registry IS NOT a government agency but rather a business like any other :>) Although it does promote agressive continuing education, which is a good thing....the fact is, this is not a government program.
We're moving in the direction of requiring a NR license renewal. Whatever will be will be. What most people don't realize it that National Registry IS NOT a government agency but rather a business like any other :>) Although it does promote agressive continuing education, which is a good thing....the fact is, this is not a government program.

Really? Any proof behind that? Because at last check, the NR and Michigan won't be getting together for much longer the front page of their web site. Nowhere will you read that it is a government agency. NR works in cooperation with states who issue license. I don't think it's a bad thing to have NR. In fact, in many respects it has been a very good thing. I'm
glad to have NR around personally. I do prefer it to our old system.

The jury is still out on which way MI will go but I do know, if ya plan on going anywhere other than MI, NR may be a reality for a very long time.
NREMT is a non-profit agency who sole purpose is to test and develop testing mechanisms for those within the EMS industry, and that's it. It was developed during the Vietnam era to be able to maintain a registry of those that have completed medic training for future references.

It does NOT develop the curriculum, have its own books have rules and guides how EMS should be, etc... simply a testing company.

For $20 bucks every 2 years, pretty cheap in comparison to other similar corporation(s) that perform similar functions.

R/r 911