Do you have immediate family who do EMS?

Do you have family members involved in EMS?

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I was adopted. Neither of my adoptive parents have anything to do with EMS, public safety or medicine - they both have had very "artsy" creative-type jobs (not up my alley at all). I recently discovered my birth mother is an RN and my birth father is an outdoorsy adrenaline junkie. Makes me go hmmm when I think about nature vs nurture.
My little brother is now a junior member/explorer with my hometown squad (same way I started out), but he doesn't really participate all that much and doesn't have any plans to become certified. Other than that, my family is all in business of one form or another and thinks that I am nuts, which I tend to agree with.
My cousin is an RN at the Federal Prison here and my aunt is a social worker, but I'm the first in Firefighting and EMS in my family.

Sent from my pencil and paper.
I put no in the poll but I have a cousin who is with the same service I'm in. We joined at pretty much the same time.
My father was a fire Marshall/EMT -B, my birth mother is a transplant coordinator for a large central Texas hospital and my step mother was a house supervisor for a teaching hospital in my area with a MSN. But mine goes back a few generations as far as fire side

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Mother and Father - no EMS at all.

Brother - EMS and Fire.

Husband - EMS and Fire.

---extended family tons of them are involved in EMS, Fire, Rescue, Police, etc.
Dad has been a firefighter for 25+ years and a medic for 15+, 2 great uncles and a great aunt were volunteer firefighters, 5 cousins who are firefighters and 2 are EMTs, and my great grandfather helped start the volunteer fire department in the small rural community we live in. I'm an adjunct fire instructor with the local tech school and have had the youngest cousin as a student several times. Mom was a LPN for several years and another great aunt was a phlebotomist and an RN. Now 1 of my younger brothers wants to be a fireman also.

Guess it runs in the family
As I think I mentioned in the calling thread, father/uncle are FFs. Couple of cops and .mils in there. So far, I'm the only single role EMSer (as opposed to FFs/LEOs who also do EMS)
2nd Generation. My parents and ex-wife were all EMTs, my mother still is, although designated by the College as non-practising, so she's no longer active at 70 years of age. My older brothers followed suit for a few years before moving on to other careers.

My uncle and cousin, are current EMTs. My current wife is an EMR.
I was going to write another thread but then i saw this one (thats a helpful tool web-folks)
Ive been thinking about this for awhile.

My biological parents are both deceased, neither did anything along these lines.I have 2 sets of adopted parents (yah, its confusing).
Ohio set-Dad is a RN, spent many years as ER RN, now is running the show. Mom did pharmacy then home health then nursing stuff til she was dx with lung cancer 6 mos ago. they totally understand why I am doing this. haha.

RI set-Dad is retired FF for Cranston Fire, he came out of Nam after doing FF stuff there and went into Cranston. Mom started out as LPN and wound up as the head of Infection Ctrl at RI VA hosp. They're very proud of myself and my sister, who is trying to be a FF in RI.

Biolog. Uncle was in Nam, did heli stuff, and did volly FF for a number of years. That's about it for EMS/etc in my family.

I never thought I would try to go into this field. I did social work for a number of years, but, here I am.
I don't have anyone in EMS in my immediate family. I am the first to pursue an EMS education and career. I have cousins that are RNs and one that is an EMT-I. Military service (non-medical) is more common in my family across the board.
I don't have anyone in EMS in my immediate family. I am the first to pursue an EMS education and career. I have cousins that are RNs and one that is an EMT-I. Military service (non-medical) is more common in my family across the board.

most of my family is miltary too
Mom and I both went through EMT class together.

Baby brother joined my FD after I left for college.

no one else has anything to do with EMS
I don't have any relatives in fire/EMS, but had my biological grandfathers been alive, they both would have been very proud to see me join my local volunteer department. My maternal grandfather used to like to photograph firemen at work at fires from a safe, and well out of their way, distance. My paternal grandfather used to let med students practice taking vitals on him. He had a motel near a medical college, and some smart students realized that it was cheaper to stay at the motel at the off-season rates and commute than it was to live on campus.