Its dinner time and you are called to a local buffet restaurant for a lady complaining of severe dyspena/SOB
The patient is an elderly grandmother who is part of a group of vacationers who have recently flown into town. She is moderately short of breath, has minor accessory muscle use and no cyanosis.
HR 140
BP 140/100
RR 32 regular
SPO2 94% RA
ECG Sinus tach
Temp 37.5
BGL 7 mmol (100 mg/dl approx)
Breath sounds absent on right
Patient complains of pleuritic type pain on right
PMHx of emphysema, diabetes and gout
Meds glucophage, salbutamol and diclofenac
What is wrong with Nana that is preventing her from eating dinner?
The patient is an elderly grandmother who is part of a group of vacationers who have recently flown into town. She is moderately short of breath, has minor accessory muscle use and no cyanosis.
HR 140
BP 140/100
RR 32 regular
SPO2 94% RA
ECG Sinus tach
Temp 37.5
BGL 7 mmol (100 mg/dl approx)
Breath sounds absent on right
Patient complains of pleuritic type pain on right
PMHx of emphysema, diabetes and gout
Meds glucophage, salbutamol and diclofenac
What is wrong with Nana that is preventing her from eating dinner?