Current brain fart....


Forum Asst. Chief
Smash... thanks for the great reply.... it makes sense and I understand now...

No problem. I hope I didn't dumb it down too much or come across as condescending. I find that a lot of EMTs have trouble with these concepts and they are kind of important as one of the biggest things we do, and one of the biggest things we measure are cardiac arrests.


Forum Asst. Chief
Sometimes I prefer the dumbed down explanation to get my brain understanding the concept which than sets me up to start diving head first into it. Your post was right on.


Forum Chief
Have you bought any EKG books to pre-read yet?


Forum Deputy Chief
I haven't bought any EKG books yet... any recommendations?
Probably the best book on the subject for understanding EKG physiology is still Dale Dubin's book.


Forum Deputy Chief
Yeah, he's in prison. That does not mean his book is not still the best on the market for learning and teaching EKGs.


Forum Asst. Chief
If you struggle with electrocardiology (and plenty of us do) try ECGs Made Incredibly Easy to start with. There is a whole series of ...Made Incredibly Easy books, they are like the For Dummies ones.

It has a reasonable level of information and the way it is presented is a lot clearer than some of the traditional ECG books.

It certainly isn't the definitive text and you will want to move on from it, but it is an excellent, clear and straightforward starter.


Forum Chief
If you struggle with electrocardiology (and plenty of us do) try ECGs Made Incredibly Easy to start with. There is a whole series of ...Made Incredibly Easy books, they are like the For Dummies ones.

It has a reasonable level of information and the way it is presented is a lot clearer than some of the traditional ECG books.

It certainly isn't the definitive text and you will want to move on from it, but it is an excellent, clear and straightforward starter.

I think I need to go pick that book up. I'm not up to the speed I would like to be, so I'll see if it will help


Forum Deputy Chief
If you struggle with electrocardiology (and plenty of us do) try ECGs Made Incredibly Easy to start with. There is a whole series of ...Made Incredibly Easy books, they are like the For Dummies ones.

It has a reasonable level of information and the way it is presented is a lot clearer than some of the traditional ECG books.

It certainly isn't the definitive text and you will want to move on from it, but it is an excellent, clear and straightforward starter.
I've read it and found it to be less informative and a much more annoying read in terms of how the information in presented (something I've heard from several of my students as well). That is why I would recommend Dubin's book over it. Both are easy reads and good introductory texts from a knowledge perspective but Dubin's is just an easier format to pick up. There's a reason why my copy of it resides in the bathroom.


EMS Guru
Dubin's book has been proclaimed to be the best to learn off for many decades before his prison stint. It does not make the book less because of the author.

You do realize two of the major authors for some of the popular EMT text have never worked in the field and one is a LEO with an English major and that is why they do the text.

So we could find fault with a lot but does not discount the content.

R/r 911


Forum Asst. Chief
I'm not familiar with Dubin or his work, I'll have to find a copy.

The difference in the way the information is presented in the ...Made Incredibly Easy series is exactly the reason why I recommend it to people wh are struggling or new. Some people process information in a different fashion and it seems to work for some. As I said it certainly isn't the definitive text but a good starting off or remedial point for some.

I know that some of the 'traditional' ECG texts like Conover and to a lesser extent Huszar can be a bit daunting to someone new to the field who needs to get a grasp on the basics.

Of course in a perfect world we would actually have time to use Conover or simialr as a standard text and all be very proficient at ECG interpretation. ^_^

Maybe one day!


Forum Deputy Chief
The difference in the way the information is presented in the ...Made Incredibly Easy series is exactly the reason why I recommend it to people wh are struggling or new. Some people process information in a different fashion and it seems to work for some. As I said it certainly isn't the definitive text but a good starting off or remedial point for some.

The thing is that students I have seen who are struggling have reported that they find Dubin's to be easier to follow that the ....Made Incredibly Easy text.

Of course in a perfect world we would actually have time to use Conover or simialr as a standard text and all be very proficient at ECG interpretation.

Amen, Smash. Amen. :lol: