Those who are interested in a national exam that may have similar recognition as the FP-C (Flight Paramedic - Certified) can give your input here for the Critical Care Paramedic - Certified exam development:
This is not a training program but a national test being developed to attempt measuring one's knowledge. The FP-C is well recognized and hopefully the CCP-C can achieve some common ground in a very fragmented certification process in this area. If you are going to have an extra patch, it might as well mean more than your employer giving you a title after a 2 hour inservice in the back room.
Those who are interested in a national exam that may have similar recognition as the FP-C (Flight Paramedic - Certified) can give your input here for the Critical Care Paramedic - Certified exam development:
This is not a training program but a national test being developed to attempt measuring one's knowledge. The FP-C is well recognized and hopefully the CCP-C can achieve some common ground in a very fragmented certification process in this area. If you are going to have an extra patch, it might as well mean more than your employer giving you a title after a 2 hour inservice in the back room.
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