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Why should they not be overlooked--because they had kids or made poor financial decisions and now it is up to me--a private business owner who risked everything to start up an operation and struggles to survive once open---and now it is MY issue to take on extra expense for others situations when I have an equally qualified candidate who has none of those issues??
Remember I am a liberal but where does the kindness cease? You keep relating this to one employee but let us increase it. What if it is half my staff, what if it is 75% of my staff. How much time am I exerting now for those with these issues? How much is it costing me? Now I have to implement tracking systems and more accounting procedures. What about when there are issues with the government agency I am mailing to? Now I spend more time fixing those issues too? Then I have the employee calling or visiting and wasting more time as well...it all compounds.
And again, I stated if I have 2 equally qualified candidates, financial concerns will be a factor.
I have been dirt poor and I have suffered through several sudden job losses. I worked hard to put together my business and I going to do what it takes to ensure it survives as that is an obligation to my family first, employees second. And it is along those lines that I have to be selective about who comes along next as it takes away from those who have already been there.
Every business has their own values statement and it comes down to the people at the top I think. I understand the difference between two employees and 50 who pay child support or have some other garnishment and the extra workload that can create with record keeping and accountability. I get that.
Perhaps my own life experiences have caused me to be more open and understanding and willing to take on extra tasks to accommodate someone who pays child support or has other obligations because I've been there. And maybe as part of a business plan, making these accommodations would be a part of it and anticipated given the workforce out there today and not wanting to limit my access to the pool of talented and hard working people or to discriminate and continue the hardship of others by denying employment.