credit check


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Does anyone know if they perform a credit check as part of the EMT certification in California? And if so will my bad credit history prevent me from getting certified?
I really couldn't imagine your credit score being a factor.
I don't know but that seems like a ridiculous thing to check.
Yes, actually your credit score could keep you from getting a job.

As the EMS agency, the company is responsible for hiring people who not a risk to the public. I don't know you, so this isn't personal but, you're going in and out of peoples homes and businesses and you often are responsible for a persons purse, wallet and cell phones as a prehospital provider. Many company's, not just in EMS check credit history to determine what kind of risk a person might be in stealing. If a person is in way over their head and/or having judgments against them, they are more likely to steal.

My wife worked in pharmaceuticals for awhile and they did a credit check on her as well. It isn't just EMS. Companies are looking for way to find employee's of integrity, character, and professionalism and in doing so, lowering their risk of exposure to any potential liability.
Thank you. Guess I wont be pursuing an EMT career then.
Don't give up. Who knows how much weight they place on that one report. And they'll likely give you a chance to explain. I didn't mean to discourage you, just to give you some insight about why it is done.
Something else to keep in mind is that the company must obtain your written permission to perform a credit check. I do know that a lot of companies obtain permission, but rarely do a full background investigation without a reason.
I don't believe it would stop you from being certified, espicially at the BLS level. Depending on HOW bad it is, there is some potential that it might impact your employment search. Some places will run credit checks as part of backround checks for any number of reasons.
It is my understanding that a credit check can only keep one from being attaining employment, not achieving a certification. I know that many public departments (Police, Fire, FBI, CIA, etc) require credit checks, as do many positions, but I don't believe that it's the norm for getting a cert or working for a private service.

I hate to stereotype, but a vast majority of the people I worked with in EMS were in significant debt of some sort. It's the same with most low-paid positions. It shouldn't keep you from getting a certification or license though.
It will not prevent you from obtaining certification or license, some states will not license or certify if there is delinquent account on taxes.

Some private and municipal EMS and health agencies also perform financial back ground checks. Multiple reasons, as well as checking for stability, and credibility.

R/r 911
California is in the process of establishing a standardized background check for criminal activity state wide. Before, they allowed each county to determine if they did the check or not. Also, if you committed a crime in one county it may not have an affect on another county's license.

However, your potential employer may do their own background and credit check. Most employers will post that in their job requirements so you won't be surprised when applying.
The only credit issue in our state that can stop you from being certified is being delinquent in the payment of child support. They can actually yank your cert. but it takes a court order.
Has anyone here ever had their credit checked when applying for a job? I very much want to get into EMT but do not want to invest my time and money into training if I wont be able to find a job.
My credit was not checked. At least I don't think so. It isn't too good I am embarrassed to say. Don't worry about it.
If you really feel your credit is that bad, you might seek the advice of a reputable credit counseling agency. Being an EMT is not a well paying job. Paramedics make more but that would require another educational investment if your employer does not pay for it. I'm not writing this to discourage you, but financial problems can distract you either in your studies or your ability to give 100% to the job. A credit counselor may be able to get you on a solid financial plan that will allow you to pursue your ambitions.

Many companies will have you sign a consent form which will allow them to check whatever they believe to be necessary. Right now California's biggest concern is criminal background checks since that is what has lead their recent attempts to reform their legislation.

This is a sample of AMR's employment application:

Additional information concerning the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq., is available at the Federal Trade Commission’s web site (
By signing below, I hereby authorize all entities having information about me, including present and former employers, personal references, criminal justice agencies, departments of motor vehicles, schools, licensing agencies, and credit reporting agencies, to release such information to t AMR or any of its affiliates or carriers, or AMR’s designated agent for making such inquiries. I acknowledge and agree that this Release and Authorization shall remain valid and in effect during the term of my employment.
The only credit issue in our state that can stop you from being certified is being delinquent in the payment of child support. They can actually yank your cert. but it takes a court order.

That goes for Jersey too!!!!
ive never had my credit checked that i know of, but even if i have without me know it, ive neve been turned down for an ems job based on my credit(or any other reason). then again in the private sector in mass, you only need a pulse and a ticket.

i wouldnt worry about it.
It will not prevent you from obtaining certification or license, some states will not license or certify if there is delinquent account on taxes.

Some private and municipal EMS and health agencies also perform financial back ground checks. Multiple reasons, as well as checking for stability, and credibility.

R/r 911

In IL, you have to sign an affidavit that you don't owe any child support.