Crazy Kids Crazy Call


Forum Captain
Well just got back from a call that I just had to share. Dispatch sent us to a 16 yo/m with unknown injury/illness. When we arrived on scene and knocked on door mom answered and looked at us if we were at the wrong house. She asked if she could help us and I told her we received a call that a 16 yo/m was having some sort of trouble. She quickly led us to her sons bedroom and we entered. She immediately asked what was wrong and all he could say was "MOM PLEASE LEAVE". I asked her to step out and I would find out what was going on. After she left he removed the blanket and showed me a swollen erect penis that was turning blue. It seems he had seen in a magazine that using a strap to constrict blood flow would allow him to keep an erection longer. He explained he didn't have a strap so he decided to use a hair tie. He also stated that he put the hair tie on before he got an erection and now it was cutting off his circulation and hurt really bad. He begged me to help. I told him there was only one problem. I had to tell his mom because she had to give consent for me to treat him. He then started to cry and begged me to lie. I told him I couldn't and asked the mom to come back in. I gave her the rundown and I thought she was going to go into full arrest right there. I then had her son remove the blanket again so she could see and all she could say was OMG that is my hair tie!!!!! Never the less she gave permission to treat and while I was in the process of removing the item she tells her son " I should just let him cut it off" and "You are as stupid as your father". she then goes on to tell us that her husband had to go to the emergency room last year due to a Viagra overdose. Meanwhile this kid is in severe pain, I am having trouble getting the hair tie to stretch enough with Kelly forceps so I can cut it with bandage scissors so I whip out my pocket knife and he almost passed out. You should have seen his face. I was able to finally get it cut off and the mom agreed to let us transport because of the severe discoloring of the penis and possible damage. when we arrive at the ER the doc asks what was going on and before I can open my mouth the Mom states that her son is an idiot and she now needs to go and buy all new hair ties. This had to be the funniest call I have been on in a while.


Forum Captain
Classic ha ha. That kid is either dumb as a rock or something. Why not just cut it yourself?

it was embedded pretty deep. He was scared to death.

Handsome Robb

Premium Member
poor kid.


Forum Captain
Is it based strictly on age for someone to be able to give consent for themselves where you are?


Forum Troll
Is it based strictly on age for someone to be able to give consent for themselves where you are?

Some places it may be. We only need the patients consent to treat (my area at least). But to transport a minor can not say yes or no as to be transported.


Community Leader Emeritus
In the local peds ED they will treat 14 and up for any sexual health issues, and 16 and up for any alcohol issues without notifying the parents against the child's will.


Forum Troll
er, personally?...or on a pt? ^_^

Personally haha. Had an accident at a fire academy and it caused me to have to get 8 stitches. Ice isn't fun down there haha


Community Leader Emeritus
Listening to your patient

Just a note:

As I read the OP I pictured a 16 y.o. kid going through a highly traumatic experience. Everyone with a penis understands.

And everyone with a Mother understands that if your Mom has issues with Dad's penis and you know you will be abused by her on the subject, you don't go around waving it in her presence, flaccid OR erect! Regardless of his age, the kid has the right to request professional privacy. You have an obligation to work WITH that request as best you can.

I really don't think I would have put the kid through the trauma of exposing his penis to his Mom. I would have taken the time to figure out an alternative.

I don't recall a protocol that says you must have permission to snip off a hair band.

Mom didn't need to be involved except for aftercare and maybe a trip to the ER. She really didn't need to be given the opportunity to berate her son in public.


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
Ouch poor kid. That kid is going to make some therapist very wealthy one day.


Forum Captain
Just a note:

As I read the OP I pictured a 16 y.o. kid going through a highly traumatic experience. Everyone with a penis understands.

And everyone with a Mother understands that if your Mom has issues with Dad's penis and you know you will be abused by her on the subject, you don't go around waving it in her presence, flaccid OR erect! Regardless of his age, the kid has the right to request professional privacy. You have an obligation to work WITH that request as best you can.

I really don't think I would have put the kid through the trauma of exposing his penis to his Mom. I would have taken the time to figure out an alternative.

I don't recall a protocol that says you must have permission to snip off a hair band.

Mom didn't need to be involved except for aftercare and maybe a trip to the ER. She really didn't need to be given the opportunity to berate her son in public.

PT was actually 15 sorry for the typo. In South Carolina if the PT is under 17, not a parent and not emancipated you are not allowed to treat that PT without parent expressed or implied consent. Because the mom was home I had no option but to inform her of the situation and give her the exact cause. She in turn has every right to see if she so chooses and to watch any and all procedures with surgery being the only exception. Things may be somewhat different in Hawaii but this is the bible belt and the rules are drastically different. As far as the mom berating her son, that is not my decision nor my business. It is her child and as long as it is not physical abuse there is not much anyone here can do about it.


Forum Lieutenant
Poor kid is going to forever associate a raging hard on with EMS and mommy problems. He's going to make a psychologist a very rich man someday :p


Dances with Patients
PT was actually 15 sorry for the typo. In South Carolina if the PT is under 17, not a parent and not emancipated you are not allowed to treat that PT without parent expressed or implied consent. Because the mom was home I had no option but to inform her of the situation and give her the exact cause. She in turn has every right to see if she so chooses and to watch any and all procedures with surgery being the only exception. Things may be somewhat different in Hawaii but this is the bible belt and the rules are drastically different. As far as the mom berating her son, that is not my decision nor my business. It is her child and as long as it is not physical abuse there is not much anyone here can do about it.

That's not entirely true, though. If you were busy maintaining a safe, professional attitude for the patient, you could easily coach her into more appropriate language. IMO, kits just another aspect of controlling the scene. And then at least the boy would have some memory of someone being supportive of him in his stupidest moment ever.


Forum Captain
That's not entirely true, though. If you were busy maintaining a safe, professional attitude for the patient, you could easily coach her into more appropriate language. IMO, kits just another aspect of controlling the scene. And then at least the boy would have some memory of someone being supportive of him in his stupidest moment ever.

I understand you position but the laws here just don't work that way. A parent can refuse care or treatment no matter the situation in this state. I can call LEO if I want, but if there is no sign of abuse the parent is ultimately responsible and can make any decision concerning their child they see fit. You seem to question my performance as an EMT but fail to recognize I followed the law here to the T. The mom could have very easily told us to leave w/o any intervention and I would have been forced to do just that. If I would have avoided her request for information or refused to let her witness the injury or interventions, she could easily have me brought up on charges of battery. (in South Carolina, Battery is defined as treating or touching any PT w/o express or implied consent. In this case the Mom holds that key) So with that said I am sorry but I am not willing to jeopardize my career or my future even though I may think something is wrong.


Forum Captain
I understand you position but the laws here just don't work that way. A parent can refuse care or treatment no matter the situation in this state. I can call LEO if I want, but if there is no sign of abuse the parent is ultimately responsible and can make any decision concerning their child they see fit. You seem to question my performance as an EMT but fail to recognize I followed the law here to the T. The mom could have very easily told us to leave w/o any intervention and I would have been forced to do just that. If I would have avoided her request for information or refused to let her witness the injury or interventions, she could easily have me brought up on charges of battery. (in South Carolina, Battery is defined as treating or touching any PT w/o express or implied consent. In this case the Mom holds that key) So with that said I am sorry but I am not willing to jeopardize my career or my future even though I may think something is wrong.

I think what ABC is getting at is that maybe the kid's mum didn't have to see his pecker to agree to treatment. I think as a card carrying member of the male gender we should strive to avoid the potentially large amounts of embarrassment associated with the dumb S**T we do with our penis's (penisi? many penises?). I have told the parents of one child (16), who was having OB/GYN problems and was pregnant, that she was having menstrual problems and needed to be seen in the ER. I didn't need to mention that she was pregnant to obtain consent. I think what tender and ABC are getting at is just have a little sensitivity when it comes to our genitalia, especially for a teenage boy.
Personally, I'd kill myself before showing any family relation my injured penis.