Could EMS lead to being a PA

I do respect and have several P.A.-C friends, I do understand their education as more towards the medical model. Twenty-five years ago, you betta! A lot of former medics pursued as well as PA schools searched for those. I now see many electing either medical school or PA school. Most without any prior medical experience and even the clinical education changing to linked to a specialist making rounds all day.

I again, respect and enjoy working with them. I am pursuing the my DNP for the NP (Dual Role) at this time. It just met my criteria for speciality (Critical Care/ER and with the family as a general background). Each profession has its advantages and disadvantages. Some states do allow NP to practice within their own license, specialty.

I'm about 17 months behind you, good luck!
Ridryder lives!
Ridryder lives!
Got a bit worried about the Rid....

I quite suspect that a LOT of EMS folks (among many others) choose the RN path because it's possible to work and go to RN school at the same time. It isn't easy by any stretch, but it is very POSSIBLE. Now if I had the (financial) means to not work and just do school for 2 years, I probably would have gone to PA school instead of doing nursing. All my healthcare education prior to nursing school was medical model. Sports Medicine isn't a Nursing Model program...
I don’t think the PA organizations would go for it. They’d lobby against it. There are already a lot of EM PAs and EM is a part of PA training.

If you want to got from medic to PA then put in the work and do it. Creating a separate role isn’t sensible IMO.
If you want to got from medic to PA then put in the work and do it. Creating a separate role isn’t sensible IMO.
This. I'm not opposed to creating some kind of a bridge program to go from EMS to PA, but the end resulting provider needs to be a full-up PA, not a specialized EM-only PA.
He’s back. Haha.
He’s also very correct.
PAs are much more akin,
To Physicians
, than to
Paramedics, my friend.

Yep. Hence the statement that the end result of any "bridge program" from EMS to PA needs to result in a full-up PA.