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Cleveland EMS - closing 8/17

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Forum Captain
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Job Posting

601 Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio, 44114

  • EMT's start $16.95 per hour. Typical base of $41k/year with built in OT and more
  • Paramedics start $17.84 per hour. Typically base of $45k/year with built in OT and more. Can easily clear $50k+ without trying very hard
  • Current top out rate is $25.70/hour, which will go up when new contract is approved
  • Full benefits for employee and family (medical, dental, vision, prescription, life insurance)
  • Full Ohio Pension through PERS - Currently 32 years, however close to having it changed to 25 years
  • Squads run 12 hour shifts - 7 shifts every 2 weeks. Shift exchanges at 0700 and 1900 hrs
  • All squads are ALS with most running double medic
  • All continuing education is handledand paid for through the City EMS Education Dept. (BLS, ACLS, GEMS, PEPP, ITLS, Ohio Trauma Triage and more)
  • EMT's have 2years to complete their state medic card and 3 years to test as a functioning city medic.
Happy to answer questions!
if all squads are ALS, and most are running double medic, why should an EMT even bother applying, if all they want is double medics? Or is it expected that once you start working as an EMT you are immediately put into a paramedic class, and they adjust your schedule accordingly?

it's less than a dollar more to be a medic..... is there any additional pay for previous experience?
if all squads are ALS, and most are running double medic, why should an EMT even bother applying, if all they want is double medics? Or is it expected that once you start working as an EMT you are immediately put into a paramedic class, and they adjust your schedule accordingly?

it's less than a dollar more to be a medic..... is there any additional pay for previous experience?

I won't blow smoke up anyone...it is a goofy system.

EMTs are required to complete medic school in 2 years. I believe that is the justification for the pay. Medics do see several step increases over their first few years that pulls them away from the EMTs.

I wouldn't sell this as a gig for an experienced medic. But it is a good gig for someone like myself without much experience looking to get off IFT and get 911 experience. We had 100k + calls last year. I average 4-10 daily, a few double digit days. Cost of living is cheap and plenty of options with all the suburbs around us.
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