Chatroom not responding!

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Lady Enjoynz
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Hi All

Just to let you know MMIZ is/was working on the chatroom to try and stop the problems with it signing you out all the time.
I've sent an email to let them know we can't get into the chat.
I'm sure they well let us know when it has been fixed.

Cheers Joy
Thanks NZ, good to see you're on top of things!
Is it still not responding? What error message or problem are you seeing?

I'm getting incorrect user name or password.
I can't figure this one out. I'm able to log in under multiple test accounts without problem. Are you still getting the error?
Try again folks.
You should be able to get onto it now!

Cheers Joy
I haven't been here for awhile But I am unable to get into the chatroom. Is it because I am new? I am getting the error message incorrect username or password?
You need a minimum of ten posts before you can use the chat room.
Well I haven't been in a chatroom in years, not sure if I will use that feature or not but its good to know If i cant find what I am looking for in the forums that I can go there and maybe find the help I need. I am new to this forum and just feeling my way around. It looks like a good place so far.
As Karaya very kindly need to have 10 posts to get into the chatroom.
There is a friendly bunch of people on chat and you are all welcome to come and say 'Hi' and join in!
We talk about all sorts, not just EMS, but if you have a question on EMS there is usual someone who may be able to help.
There are a lot of people that use the chatroom, from those looking to become an EMT, to seasoned Paramedic's.

Look forward to seeing you soon!
Cheers Enjoynz
Here is the announcement:
You must have a minimum of 10 posts before you will be able to access the chat room.

The chat room should be an addition to the forums, and not replace them. We've been seeing a lot of users sign up and never do anything but use the chat room. This 10 post rule will give our members a chance to get to know you first.
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