Chat tonight at 6pm.

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Before our beloved TTLWHKR left us he scheduled a chat session for tonight at 6pm. I will be unable to attend but may some of you can log into the chat room and keep it open while checking out the rest of today's posts.

6pm in which time zone?
I'll be out and about, but I'll be here in spirit!
ffemt8978 said:
6pm in which time zone?
Gotta ask him.
Since he is east coast I would suspect EST.
Lets reschedule for Friday, May 26th at 6PM Pacific, 7PM Central, and 8PM Eastern. :P I'll try to set aside some time to be here, and even utilize a post-it-note.
Yay! A day I'm not working, I'll be there!
Lets reschedule for Friday, May 26th at 6PM Pacific, 7PM Central, and 8PM Eastern. :P I'll try to set aside some time to be here, and even utilize a post-it-note.

You mean 6PM Pacific, 7PM Mountain, 8PM Central and 9PM Eastern?
I should be able to be online on Friday!
I don't think I cabn use Chat....

I'll have to visit the squad tonight and try... then I'll bribe my bother so I can use his laptop- which he uses to steal the next-door-neighbor's broadband connection througth their unsecure wireless hub ;) Then I might get on Chat....
La, La, La.... I can't hear you say anything about stealing anything......
joemt said:
La, La, La.... I can't hear you say anything about stealing anything......
Thanks, Jo... let me re-phrase... he dosen't steal, he uses a free availble resource ;)
Heh... I have a friend at work that uses a like source .... in fact in her neighborhood there are about 7 to choose from, so at any given time she has access.
I just found my post-it note, on the floor, behind the desk.

Yeah, I totally forgot also.... Don't kick me out just yet... I PROMISE I'll remember better next time....
I'll shoot for Saturday, June 3rd at 10PM Eastern, etc.
Well... I came at 11..

Wife and I went out for dinner, got back later than expected.
I worked a double this weekend. :sad:
I'm closing this thread down since there seems to be some confusion on when the chat is going to take place. If you'd like to plan a chat session in the future please add it to the calendar.
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