Charged with stalking and harassment (misdemeanors), will this effect my career?


To the original question:

Yeah. I would not hire you with that sort of record. And I'm sure when I went through your Facebook, linked in, etc., before I hired you, I would probably find other instances that display emotional immaturity similar to the ones displayed in this thread and others in regards to personal relationships.

EMS is messy. You get emotionally close and physically (not necessarily sexually, just meaning, in a closed space chatting for a long time, or in close working quarters) close with persons of the opposite sex. You get much closer with coworkers in this job than other ones. My bosses never call me "Mr. Runkle" or even "Josh", they call me "Bro", "Brother" or "Dude", and that familiarity is not from a loss of respect for roles or positions, but rather a bond forged in fire from tough work together. There is slightly more of a "family" feel to your coworkers and crew/unit, just because of the nature of the job.

With your history, I would be wary of having you get emotionally attached to a coworker in an odd way. I don't know you; I'm not going to give an unknown the benefit of the doubt rather than looking out for my coworkers. many state's you can go before a judge and prove that you are a different person or prove extenuating circumstances, and then get your record sealed or expunged, in which case, you would not have to discuss it with future employers. However, you've already posted all of this on the Internet, and most employers will read that type of stuff before offering you a job.

Try to get it sealed or expunged, move to a different area, keep your head down and your nose clean, do some maturing (because your "explanations" come across as lame excuses, and you don't seem to own up to your crap). Get a job, even part time or contingent, and build a solid work history of being a great employee.


Old and Crappy
OP : Of course this will affect your career! What kind of a question is that? I don't mean to be rude, but it seems like you are posting here mainly to get some sympathy instead of a realistic perspective. This field is unforgiving of bad reputations. Your posts lead me to believe you have (or will soon) have one. You need to immediately act to fix this if you want a future in EMS. Best of luck


Forum Troll
Waiting for this thread to become a prime example of Goodwins Law


Forum Asst. Chief
It's a little frightening that he uses the fact he had "feelings" for someone to validate harassing and stalking them... I mean... Jeffrey Dahmer put the people he had feelings for in his fridge, but that doesn't make it acceptable.


Forum Deputy Chief
It's a little frightening that he uses the fact he had "feelings" for someone to validate harassing and stalking them... I mean... Jeffrey Dahmer put the people he had feelings for in his fridge, but that doesn't make it acceptable.

J Dahmer Jr.


Old and Crappy
It's a little frightening that he uses the fact he had "feelings" for someone to validate harassing and stalking them... I mean... Jeffrey Dahmer put the people he had feelings for in his fridge, but that doesn't make it acceptable.

Clearly no lesson has been learned...unless you count "women ain't worth it" as a lesson.


Forum Deputy Chief
And it is Godwin's Law not Goodwins....

Sorry but I AM a grammar Nazi.
On a side note, I often pondered and now do agree that Hitler's speech writer WAS "the original" grammar Nazi.


Forum Captain
To the OP: You really need to take some serious time to think about what you're doing in your life. If you would like to know my stance on this issue you have with women, please go reread your first post here. Also, unless the girl was underage, the father doesn't really play a role in getting your charged with stalking and harassment. I'm sorry but you need to grow up.

Yours truely,
A women in EMS


Forum Crew Member
To the OP: You really need to take some serious time to think about what you're doing in your life. If you would like to know my stance on this issue you have with women, please go reread your first post here. Also, unless the girl was underage, the father doesn't really play a role in getting your charged with stalking and harassment. I'm sorry but you need to grow up.

Yours truely,
A women in EMS

She was 16 at the time and I was 20. She was of age of consent. So the sex in itself was not illegal, it was the unwanted romantic gestures that transpired after that was (because she did not want a relationship)


Forum Captain
She was 16 at the time and I was 20. She was of age of consent. So the sex in itself was not illegal, it was the unwanted romantic gestures that transpired after that was (because she did not want a relationship)
If she was 16 and you 20, whether the sex is legal or not, that relationship is wrong. 4 years isn't much of an age difference when she's 21 and you 25. 16 and 20 though is largely different, and you are at completely different life stages and mental states. The father had every reason to step in. And her not wanting a relationship and you pursuing her, that is harassment...

You really need to grow up and look at yourself and reevaluate your life decisions.


Forum Asst. Chief
Romantic gestures = harassment and stalking?

I have been doing it all wrong.