Certs in multiple states

You have a gripe with the states then, not with the NREMT.
Florida's argument for not using the NREMT-P is its test score is the equivalent of 70% while Florida wants 80% on their state exam for a passing score.

However, it is amazing that even with all the advantages of knowing what is on the practicals and the not too high standard for passing the NREMT written, some continue to complain the test is too hard. Happily, those that say this usually do not pass the Florida exam which is pitifully easy also if you memorize the right stuff.

I know someone that recently took the 2nd written for NREMT-B and failed...actually failed worse than the first time AFTER studying test books up and down to prepare. I don't think the test is hard; the question format requires you to really pay attention to what is being asked.

I'm still not looking forward to testing out for NREMT-P in about 17 months...:unsure:
You have a gripe with the states then, not with the NREMT.

Thank you for the correction B)...it is preferable to direct my gripes at the correct agencies...
Thank you for the correction B)...it is preferable to direct my gripes at the correct agencies...

Part of the problem of those in EMS. Most do not even know the details within their system and yet want to make and voice a opinion.

If your friend failed a test, there is a reason. They were not properly prepared to meet the minimal standards of the standardized curriculum. If you know that and the ECC/AHA standards, doubt that anyone will have a hard time passing.

If you read other posts, you will see NREMT is a bargain to other testing agencies. Try keeping a cert for $10 a year anywhere else. Again, investigate before making an opinion.

R/r 911