CARE/McCormick purchased by Falck


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So McCormick Ambulance was just purchased by Falck a Danish corp. Falck also purchased CARE Ambulance earlier this year. Any CARE or McCormick folks on here who know anything about this? What the future may hold for us field employees? If there will be a merger in the future? Any info would be great.
wow didnt think Jo would even do it.
For the $$$$ they would be nuts not to. Hold on to your seats, a repeat of the 1990's consolidation is just starting.
Perhaps, they will teach those gurney monkeys how to park rigs. Especially, when they aren't in their county and then get out.
wow gurney monkeys... interesting. I guess we could say they same for Gold Coast... o wait they are owned by AMR now too. So are AMR VenCO EMTs considered gurney monkeys or are they chauffeurs?
Gurney monkey? Havnt heard that one yet. I still prefer stretcher fetcher though.

Sent from my electronic overbearing life controller
wow gurney monkeys... interesting. I guess we could say they same for Gold Coast... o wait they are owned by AMR now too. So are AMR VenCO EMTs considered gurney monkeys or are they chauffeurs?


Sounds like someone is a grumpy gus.
So McCormick Ambulance was just purchased by Falck a Danish corp. Falck also purchased CARE Ambulance earlier this year. Any CARE or McCormick folks on here who know anything about this? What the future may hold for us field employees? If there will be a merger in the future? Any info would be great.

I don't believe you'll see any major operational changes. Not much has changed due to Falck at CARE in the last year. We did go electronic and now have toughbooks on the rigs.

I've asked around to some of the older EMTs and managers and asked about the changes that went on in the 90s. Most of them think it's going to be different. Care was bought by Falck, Doctors was bought by AMR, and Pacific/Bowers was bought by Rual Metro. So far they've all got the same names and paint jobs.

So far so good.

Sounds like someone is a grumpy gus.

VCEMT you have failed to answer my questions, I'm just wondering what you call your emts? Since all they do is drive they aren't in the back during critical calls, and if we really wanna get started on parking issues we should take a trip over to Los Robles and see how Gold Coast blocks everyone in.:glare: So you have never been a self proclaimed "gurney monkey" or a chauffeur? jumped right into medic school? Personally I think more experience is gained in La county as an emt doing 911 then all of socal due to the fact that its you and the medic, not just the medic in the back and you driving.

I dont work for either company any more, but I don't forget where I came from, and what has made me a solid medic.You shouldn't either cause at one point we all started in the same place.

VCEMT you have failed to answer my questions, I'm just wondering what you call your emts? Since all they do is drive they aren't in the back during critical calls, and if we really wanna get started on parking issues we should take a trip over to Los Robles and see how Gold Coast blocks everyone in.:glare: So you have never been a self proclaimed "gurney monkey" or a chauffeur? jumped right into medic school? Personally I think more experience is gained in La county as an emt doing 911 then all of socal due to the fact that its you and the medic, not just the medic in the back and you driving.

I dont work for either company any more, but I don't forget where I came from, and what has made me a solid medic.You shouldn't either cause at one point we all started in the same place.

Experience changes everywhere. You don't get experience just from being in the back of the ambulance. On pretty much every call where I work we do everything on scene for medical and trauma patients (notice I said pretty much, there are those times where it is a "throw the patient in the back of the ambulance and get the heck out of here".)

VCEMT you have failed to answer my questions, I'm just wondering what you call your emts? Since all they do is drive they aren't in the back during critical calls, and if we really wanna get started on parking issues we should take a trip over to Los Robles and see how Gold Coast blocks everyone in.:glare: So you have never been a self proclaimed "gurney monkey" or a chauffeur? jumped right into medic school? Personally I think more experience is gained in La county as an emt doing 911 then all of socal due to the fact that its you and the medic, not just the medic in the back and you driving.

I dont work for either company any more, but I don't forget where I came from, and what has made me a solid medic.You shouldn't either cause at one point we all started in the same place.

I am referring to Los Robles. McCormick crews like to double park, not parking more forward to allow a rig to make a turn safely, and parking in the wrong direction.

My comments are towards parking, you are making it into some strange beef with Gold Coast. Which, they do make a good effort to leave a clear lane to allow rigs to park.

As far as your comments towards EMTs in Ventura, it's 50/50. Some are just tools waiting to be told what to do; they don't last long. Then, you have the aggressive ones that get :censored::censored::censored::censored: done.
Personally I think more experience is gained in La county as an emt doing 911 then all of socal due to the fact that its you and the medic, not just the medic in the back and you driving.

...and this is why Orange County IFT is better. Since there are no private paramedics, most of the emergency calls coming out of SNFs are sent to their contracted IFT provider. Which means that patient with CHF going into respiratory failure due to acute pulmonary edema? Yea, that's just you, the EMT, getting to assess, treat, and transport. Great for the EMT, terrible for the patient.

Oh, and I don't remember a-hole parking in Orange County either. So apparently our EMTs both know how to properly operate an ambulance and provide patient care.
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La county is the exact same way. So in your eyes are all EMTs gurney monkeys? I worked for McCormick out in that area for 3 year never once having seen a parking issue, in fact we had a pretty good relationship with AMR out there. And VCEMT we can both agree that parking at Robes is a nightmare to begin with.
I've seen those Care-bears park their rigs over at St Francis Hospital all the time.... can't say they know how to park a rig very well.

And whats with all the Gold Coast Bashing?? I had heard they were a decent company...... untill AMR took over?