Cannabinoids and Medicine


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Just curious, and although this question has be posed to many higher levels of care, Im wondering if any of you have read about, studied or any other interaction with the use of Cannabiniods (Cannabis) in concentrated oil form for use as a medicine .
I have had quite a few interactions with both 'legal' and 'not-that-illegal' marijuana users. Some of them had quite legitimate complaints and claimed that cannabis managed their pain quite well; most of the rest just liked to smoke dope.

I personally think that cannabis oil, depending on its effect, could potentially be a gamechanger in the management of chronic pain. Cannabis is far, far less dangerous than alcohol or opioids, and quite frankly, it is retarded to ignore the potential of cannabis in medicine simply because "it can get you high."
Hey Rocket,
I live on the west coast of Canada... so theres lots of "ya its cause my back hurts... I mean its an excuse to get high" LOL

Ive been doing lots of reading lately more on the medical use. There is huige research finding that cannabinoids kill many types of cancer cells, just as one example
And who funded those studies that showed that marijuana cures cancer.....
Corky -
Nation Cancer institute is doing research as well as scientist in several countries actually.
Quoted from the National Cancer Institute
"Cannabinoids appear to kill tumor cells but do not affect their nontransformed counterparts and may even protect them from cell death."

The study by Manuel Guzmán of Madrid Spain is also one gaining notoriety as well.

Research in this seems to be exploding, and in my own research into this plant, its truly quite amazing in so many ways in what it can provide.

And to answer anyones questions, no I dont consume it nor smoke it myself
Sure for cancer,what about all the all the other bullS&&& reasons people get it for. I live in the emerald triangle of California which is a Mecca for losers and exploiters of this whole debate. I see first hand what it has done to the local communities and children. I need no further @education@ on the topic.

Doctors want to stand behind this crap need to also push for pharmacies to carry it so patients actually Prescribed it and not just a BS letter of recommendation can pick it up from a regulated entity like any other medication if they want to call it that.
Sure for cancer,what about all the all the other bullS&&& reasons people get it for. I live in the emerald triangle of California which is a Mecca for losers and exploiters of this whole debate. I see first hand what it has done to the local communities and children. I need no further @education@ on the topic.

Obviously you do. Because if you doubt the effectiveness of marijuana as a medical adjunct in those with chronic pain, anxiety, depression, cancer, certain autoimmune conditions, and many other diseases, then your understanding of the effects of CB1 and CB2 receptor agonism is inadequate. Pick up a pharm text.

Just like alcohol, marijuana was outlawed in the 1930's for a combination of paternalistic religious and political reasons, not for any reason even approaching scientific. And it remains illegal today for purely political reasons.

Cannabis has a safety profile far better than many commonly-prescribed drugs, and far better than any commonly used recreational drug.

When a substance in demand is only legally available in a few places, of course people will flock there to get it. That is an effect of the laws, not of the substance. Make alcohol illegal everywhere but a few cities and see what happens. Or opioids. Does that mean that alcohol or opioids cause people to be "losers and exploiters"?

Doctors want to stand behind this crap need to also push for pharmacies to carry it so patients actually Prescribed it and not just a BS letter of recommendation can pick it up from a regulated entity like any other medication if they want to call it that.

Again, you are misinformed. There is a lobby that is working to do exactly that, but keeps being blocked by a combination of those who think they know far more than they do about the drug and those who don't really care about the usefulness of the drug, but think they have the right to impose their puritan views on others.
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But Mr. Halothane, will hit you!

You'll be beaten to death! Mauled! Possibly eaten! People may fornicate and fight!

I speak, of course, of alcohol.

Marijuana is pretty tame.
I have no @puritan@ views on the subject. Trust me I am the most anti religious person you will ever come to meet. But when you see 16 year olds smoking marijuana outside of high schools with younger children around because of @their@ chronic pain you will see things your own way. And yes I called them losers and exploiters of the system. You should come by my area and see what these small mountain communities have become and what drifter marijuana trimmers do to these communities. Think it's a non violent drug? Think again my friend and come take a stroll through the Pines with me
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I have no @puritan@ views on the subject. Trust me I am the most anti religious person you will ever come to meet. But when you see 16 year olds smoking marijuana outside of high schools with younger children around because of @their@ chronic pain you will see things your own way. And yes I called them losers and exploiters of the system. You should come by my area and see what these small mountain communities have become and what drifter marijuana trimmers do to these communities. Think it's a non violent drug? Think again my friend and come take a stroll through the Pines with me

Again, if there are only a few places where people can get something legally, you will find a concentration of people - good and bad - in the area.

It is a well known fact that the vast majority of the violence that surrounds drug culture is a product of the black market that drugs are forced to be dealt in, and have nothing at all to do with the effects of the drug itself.

Make something criminal, and only criminals will have it. It's a self-fullfilling prophecy.
More the point have you ever been stopped at gun point on the way to a call in your ambulance and told to find another route because you ARE NOT going down THIER road. Our employees have..... Law enforcement is outgunned and it got to the point CDF and USFS would not respond to fires period in the area unless they had law enforcement escorts. So my views I will keep

Legalize, regulate and dispense from pharmacies and my view will change
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Have whatever views you want, but you are misinformed. You have no proof to support your assertion.

People on marijuana are not violent. Period.

It is the black market that surrounds marijuana that is violent.
Have whatever views you want, but you are misinformed. You have no proof to support your assertion.

People on marijuana are not violent. Period.

It is the black market that surrounds marijuana that is violent.

Really not violent? Halothane I love your posts but your simply wrong by making that statement you just made.
Yes the black market makes it this way.
Halothane: "Medical Marijuana" as legalized by prop 215 in CA, is readily available throughout the entire state of CA, so it's not just a few places where its legal. Los Angeles at one point had more dispensaries than Starbucks until recently. I fully agree with you that many people are helped by medical cannabis, however you might not realize the circus that it has turned into in CA. And for the record, I agree that people on marijuana are generally not violent as long as they are not on anything else. I have yet to have one of them get combative on scene when it's just marijuana.

However, the medical community has to take most of the responsibility for the problems with medical marijuana distribution and prevalence. When you have MDs writing recommendations for hundreds of young people, who frequent the beach and the gym and are completely healthy for stuff such as "stress from tests at school" and "anxiety about searching for a job" (yes I have two friends that got recommendations for those two reasons, one of which got her recommendation because the dispensaries are safer than the streets and she readily admits that she does not have anxiety.) it will overshadow the people who genuinely are in pain and are helped by marijuana. When local magazines for the surfer and skater community carry adds for doctors who for $50 say they will write recommendations in 5 minutes, I have a hard time believing something isn't wrong. When the owners of the "non profit" collectives drive a Bentley and live on the beach I realize there is a problem. I realize and have seen first hand people in ridiculous amounts of pain who are greatly helped, but just like the Florida pain clinic scandals of the past, a couple of doctors wanting a fast buck have clouded the issues. Even worse, some people who need it, refuse to get it because of the stigma caused by people abusing it.

However, like many people, my issue it not only with irresponsible doctors, but the black market. My part time company covers a national forest, and in several areas, much of the pristine beauty has been ruined by illegal grow operations. I have also had to be escorted in by the sheriff or USFS Law Enforcement or BLM Rangers because of the dangers associated with stumbling upon the illegal grows.

If you want to treat marijuana as a medication, GREAT!!!! Just make sure it is prescribed, distributed, and used in a manner that helps the people that really need it and keeps it out of the hands of kids that just want a quick high.
Halothane: "Medical Marijuana" as legalized by prop 215 in CA, is readily available throughout the entire state of CA, so it's not just a few places where its legal. Los Angeles at one point had more dispensaries than Starbucks until recently. I fully agree with you that many people are helped by medical cannabis, however you might not realize the circus that it has turned into in CA. And for the record, I agree that people on marijuana are generally not violent as long as they are not on anything else. I have yet to have one of them get combative on scene when it's just marijuana.

However, the medical community has to take most of the responsibility for the problems with medical marijuana distribution and prevalence. When you have MDs writing recommendations for hundreds of young people, who frequent the beach and the gym and are completely healthy for stuff such as "stress from tests at school" and "anxiety about searching for a job" (yes I have two friends that got recommendations for those two reasons, one of which got her recommendation because the dispensaries are safer than the streets and she readily admits that she does not have anxiety.) it will overshadow the people who genuinely are in pain and are helped by marijuana. When local magazines for the surfer and skater community carry adds for doctors who for $50 say they will write recommendations in 5 minutes, I have a hard time believing something isn't wrong. When the owners of the "non profit" collectives drive a Bentley and live on the beach I realize there is a problem. I realize and have seen first hand people in ridiculous amounts of pain who are greatly helped, but just like the Florida pain clinic scandals of the past, a couple of doctors wanting a fast buck have clouded the issues. Even worse, some people who need it, refuse to get it because of the stigma caused by people abusing it.

However, like many people, my issue it not only with irresponsible doctors, but the black market. My part time company covers a national forest, and in several areas, much of the pristine beauty has been ruined by illegal grow operations. I have also had to be escorted in by the sheriff or USFS Law Enforcement or BLM Rangers because of the dangers associated with stumbling upon the illegal grows.

If you want to treat marijuana as a medication, GREAT!!!! Just make sure it is prescribed, distributed, and used in a manner that helps the people that really need it and keeps it out of the hands of kids that just want a quick high.

So legalize it. You don't see Malboro's vast illegal tobacco grows...
Corky, these areas that have a large marijuana using population and are also apparently extremely violent, were they always this way or did they only become violent after California legalized marijuana?
It's the growers that are so violent and like other drugs before it like meth it's no different violence follows ALL illegal drug culture
In CA the medical marijuana card that makes it legal for a person to smoke it is a joke. There are docs who will write a prescription for it for $50 and no actual exam. I'm a perfectly healthy 21 year old male with no medical problems at all. I can easily get a card.

Marijuana does have side effects (I witnessed a lot during a huge music concert we had). And where you find large amounts of marijuana you will find violent people with weapons (most of it is cartel drug that is smuggled over from Mexico).
It's the growers that are so violent and like other drugs before it like meth it's no different violence follows ALL illegal drug culture

You didnt answer my question

Was it always a violent area
Did it become violent after legalizing marijuana

I know the answer, i just want you to admit it. Marijuana is an inanimate object without the capacity to cause violence. If you left a trash bag of pot in a room unmolested, there wouldnt be a mass murder, just as if you leave a gun on a counter in your kitchen.

very different around here, the only people who smoke weed are high school and college kids, some other regular people. The guys who sling hard stuff dont bother selling to the trustfund kids who drive into the hood.
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