CAMTS requirements for flying

Deep breaths. You have a lot of stuff on your plate. And a lot of things to work through, not only with yourself but with TJ as well. Maybe look into finding a councilor to talk to if you can? And yeah puppies!!! Are they cute?
To the OP, congrats on getting your FP-C, but if you are applying with a reputable, and safe company, there will likely be many people applying who already have 3 years or more as a medic. To be honest with you, I think the minimum requirement should be five years for a flight position. So many people try and rush experience to jump on an aircraft. My company just recently hired a bunch of folks and we had over 170 applications for 15 positions (we are a large program). I would caution you about rushing into finding a company that is willing to "bend the rules or requirements" so to speak, that likely carries on to other portions of the program, and that type of company mindset can mean the difference between coming home each day and not. Be patient, do research who you are applying with, don't give up if you don't get hired your first, second, third time, and most of all don't jeopardize your safety to land a position. Firefighter, EMT, Paramedic, Flight Medic, we all put our pants on the same way and it's a job just like any other.
Well hopefully it gets better for you this year :)
That's what I'm hoping for. Between a house fire that took my cats life, and almost my dads, my moms car accident, my aunts heart surgery, and uncles heart attack, I don't know how much more bad news I can handle
Deep breaths. You have a lot of stuff on your plate. And a lot of things to work through, not only with yourself but with TJ as well. Maybe look into finding a councilor to talk to if you can? And yeah puppies!!! Are they cute?
If by cute, you mean brats. Lol. Yes they are adorable.


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You let your rat sleep with you??
You don't?


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His name is Vico. He is an albino chihuahua.


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No, our hawk eats our rats...


I do let my ox sleep with me, though... (He was small in this picture- I can't hold him like that anymore)
He generally sleeps alone.


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He generally sleeps alone.


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Haha. She's a besenji/dingo mix. High jumper. Jumped our 6 foot fence. I love my girls equally. My big baby is even still carried!
I'm scared. I honestly am. And it's not like I grew up here or anything so I have absolutely zero support on board. Nobody asks me how I'm doing or anything. It's just him. All my family and friends are on the east coast.

Welcome to EMTLife, Cynthia.

I'm not going to say that flight is perfectly safe, but there are ways to mitigate the risk. Further, it's not like ground EMS is much better, nor is long-haul driving.

PS... Can you try to be less awkward in the future? :)
FW patient transport is very safe. FWIW.
You're far more likely to be killed in a TC on your way to the flight job than you are in an actual air EMS incident.