Cadaver lab

Did you have access to a cadaver lap durring your training

  • No I did not have access to a cadaver lap

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Yes I did have access to a cadaver lab

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
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Here in Houston we have an excellent cadaver lab which I was privileged enough to spend several hours at. I'm curious to know if others had this experience.
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There’s a cadaver lab in November that I’m hoping I get to attend.
I attended a cadaver lab during the EMS Expo last year and the current training I am doing for a new company does a cadaver lab as our last lecture.
We didn't have it for our actual P school classes but we had multiple cadavers for A&P I and II which were required as part of the program (assuming that you took A&P at that community college, apparently the university that I went to nursing school at didn't have cadavers for their undergrad A&P classes).
I worked with my Vet when I was getting ready to deploy, and she allowed me to assist during procedures such as neutering and also do intubation and amputations and suturing on cadaver dogs. Don’t overlook the skills you can learn.
I worked with my Vet when I was getting ready to deploy, and she allowed me to assist during procedures such as neutering and also do intubation and amputations and suturing on cadaver dogs. Don’t overlook the skills you can learn.
I think neutering is a skill that I will never need to utilize.
I have attended two cadaver labs in recent years. Was a great experience and a valuable learning opportunity. Highly recommend attending one if you ever have the opportunity.
We previously did live Pig labs and just switched to annual Cadaver labs. Huge financial commitment for the company but the experience is invaluable. I feel way more confident in my ability to do surgical airways and chest tubes.

Had a cadaver lab during A&P but that was purely academic. Actually being able to do procedures, especially on "fresh" cadavers, is a totally different experience.
Thank you. Thank you. Try the veal, don’t forget to tip your Server.
We have one here in Utah, and all of the EMT and Medic programs seem to use it. I got my cert in CT where we didn't even have one to my knowledge though. Maybe when I move up...
We had one during P School and i make a point to go to the one at EMS Expo every year. Our state conference did one last year and was a huge hit but moved sites and werent able to get approval this year.

My employer has merged with another hospital system and thus our educational departments have merged as well. The new director of education (is very in favor of using preserved parts for training. We just rolled out a new surgical cric and trained on actual tracheas. Word is our 4Q competencies will have similar models instead of manikins.