I think for "severe pain refractory to narcotics" you might end up in that range sometimes.
But it makes much more sense to NOT have separate dosing ranges for "pain control" and "severe pain". Just broaden the initial dose range and remove the max dose, or at least make it much higher. Why say "give 0.1 mg/kg for pain, but not more than 30mg, unless they are in SEVERE PAIN, then give 1mg/kg"?
Instead, a good protocol would say "0.1 - 0.25 mg/kg up to a max dose of 2mg/kg". Let's keep it simple.
Or, as I said in a previous post, just get rid of the weight-based dosing. "Give 10-20mg boluses every 5 minutes until satisfactory analgesia is achieved. For very large patients who appear to be in severe pain or who have a history of chronic opioid use, may start with an initial bolus of 30mg". Or something along those lines.