Not a "bystander complaint" but related to this- had to restrain myself with every fiber of my being a few shifts ago not to march out into the waiting room and read the family the riot act. Transported a 70ish lung CA patient with acute SOB which by the time we got her in the truck went from sitting up, tripoding and 2-3 word sentences, to agonal with rales and flash PE. Partner took the call and I took us in P1 to the nearest ER, about 2-4 miles, and happen to notice in my rear view that the family had turned the flashers on their Rav 4 on and are speeding down residential roads super close behind me, blowing stop signs, and running red lights- right by a cop, too, who did nothing (law enforcement in my area is, sadly, notoriously useless for helping us and in fact creates more work for EMS by shoving people off on us that they don't want to deal with). While it was an oversight of me not to run back into the house and tell them not to follow me, I feel like it's fairly common knowledge that you are NOT ALLOWED to follow an ambulance. I don't care who I've got in the truck, you just DON'T follow my ambulance as if putting on your 4-ways is going to transform your mid-size SUV into an emergency response vehicle and give you the right to break traffic laws.
Not only that, but the family broke into the back of the ER and came running in before we even got the patient on the bed. Thankfully security was able to corral them and pen them up in the waiting room while they put the pt on BiPap, CPAP, and then intubated her....
The only thing that stopped me from telling those idiots off was that the ER had ice cream bars in the EMS fridge, so I ate that and sulked for a bit until I decided I didn't care.
As for bystander complaints, though, I had a caller who called for her ailing uncle who had a UTI diagnosed that morning (cipro of course not being taken as directed), who was still in discomfort and she wanted us to give him morphine and then leave him home so he could sleep. When informed that we do not give out narcotics to help people sleep through their penis pain (literally he was just saying that his penis hurt), and that all I could do was take him to the hospital and allow the doctor to make the decision, she said that I was stupid and useless and then asked if we took him, would there be a bill?
Needless to say, they signed a refusal and went POV to get their morphine for his penis pain, because we are stupid. :glare: