Burns gel


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This is a general query about burns gel, my partner recently used watergel to treat a 2nd degree wound on a patient per our protocols, Pt being stable and no other injuries or reporting any other symptoms and when the patient saw the doctor some time later, ireland is so backwards for Emergency Treatment, the patient had been feeling unwell and reported this to the doc and the doc put it down to the burn gel we used, It had been in date and sealed prior to use on this pt, the doc basically moaned to my partner saying it had to be the burn gel we used. i trained in the states as a medic and have never come across side effects for burn gel and cannot find any documented side effects on the internet. i was wondering if anyone else out there has come across any or if they have any information.... the company who produce the water jel burns kits have said they have no known side effects for it
As a former burn nurse, I personally never liked the "burn gel". Albeit, that it probably did not cause further complications in your specific case, I doubt it directly helped as well except for comfort measures the same as saline dressings.

The Gel usually contains 90% water and a plant extract (Melaleuca alternifolia) that is supposed to possibly have some antibiotic actions? Basically help prevent further contamination more than treatment of the burn itself.

The problem I have is it has to be removed and if allowed to stay on the wound over a period of time it can become very sticky to the skin. Where as saline does not. It is recommended to prevent hypothermia and heat containment, dry sterile/clean dressings is recommended for second degree burns by the American Burn Association (ABA). Again, like the gel has to be removed per soaking in a Hubbard tank. Although, it does not produce the "cooling effect" like gel or saline, again hypothermia is not produced.

Burn treatment is complex especially post burn care. The initial treatment should be geared to of course the basics of ABC/shock and then prevention of wound contamination, and pain management.

R/r 911
yea, burn gel is against our protocols here, for the simple reason that it has to be scrubbed out, that is why we dont carry and antibiotic creams or burn gel, becasue anything we put on them has to be scrubbed out in the ER, and that is painful for the pt.
I know I am going to have some haters here, but I think that burn gel has a place in a personal jump kit, but not on the ambulance. I've heard from nurses that it's a mess to clean up sometimes. I've used it personally and thought that it was very helpful in soothing the pain and keeping the burn clean.

My philosophy with burns was to treat the pain and keep the burn/wound(s) as clean as possible. We had burn dressings and sheets that really just covered the area without sticking.
I know I am going to have some haters here, but I think that burn gel has a place in a personal jump kit, but not on the ambulance. I've heard from nurses that it's a mess to clean up sometimes. I've used it personally and thought that it was very helpful in soothing the pain and keeping the burn clean.

My philosophy with burns was to treat the pain and keep the burn/wound(s) as clean as possible. We had burn dressings and sheets that really just covered the area without sticking.

The difference being "personal jump kit" for use on yourself/family members and the rig, which is subject to little things like protocols and medical oversight.
yeah when i was in the USA i never really used the stuff; personally i found that a burn initially treated with burns gel tended to heal quicker and also heal with little to no scarring; versus saline treatment..in ireland all our ED'S stock water jel burn kits and they use them to continue care until they arrive at a burns unit, which i've seen use Water jel as well; i see where everyone is coming from with the long term care and having to clean it up..the worst burn pt ive seen is 3rd degree burns on roughly 63% over the body incl head and face; the pt had gone to a gas station and emptied gas all over themself and lit it up; and the pain she was in as we arrived; then after using water jel on her, her pain level decreased and she was much more comfortable....so im kinda on the fence on this subject....its becoming apparent though that no one knows of any medical side effects with this....
We don't use any form of Gel or creams in New Zealand.
Our Protocol is to Cool Burns for 20 minutes (use to be only 10 mins), by water or saline. (Unless there are Airway problems, then get to hospital A.S.A.P.).
Cover burns with cling wrap.

Cheers Enjoynz
I've only seen burn gel on the rigs at one of the services I ride with, and it happens to be in the town where the stuff is made (you can guess the brand name). I haven't used it, and I'm honestly not sure if I even would. I don't believe that its use is even in our scope here in NJ, and we make the stuff!