Bullet Proof Vest!

I can't help but comment on the "In Process of Getting EMT-B" part of your profile. You're looking to buy a ballistic vest before you've even hit the road? Consider a few things first:
- From what I've gathered here, EMT-B's are a dime a dozen and you may not find a job.
- Your first job may not be 911.
- You may find that the career does not match expectations and you don't want to stay.
- The pay will probably suck.

If you wait until you actually start working, and see how things really go in the field, you may gain some perspective on just how necessary this is. Certainly in some areas it may be a nice to have, but for how little you may make, that you may not even work emerg for awhile and you may just quit early in your career, there are better ways to spend your money. How many shifts will you have to work to make the $300+ for body armour?
Its illegal to purchase or own a vest by a convicted felon. Most places in texas wont sell you one unless your a Police Officer or Security Officer.
If I worked 911 in this area a bullet proof vest would be something I would seriously consider. I work IFT with some 911 roll overs and we have 2 units with bullet holes in them. We have medics in the area who have had rival gangs follow them to the ER and fire into the back of the ambulance on the ramp to kill the target, people coming back on scene to kill the victim, all kinds of crazy stuff.
Its illegal to purchase or own a vest by a convicted felon. Most places in texas wont sell you one unless your a Police Officer or Security Officer.

Well thats OK, I have a state of Florida Security Officer license as well :P
Heh if I ever need to buy body armor I'll just drive back to NM to buy it (or have it mailed to my parents place in NM)
Its illegal to purchase or own a vest by a convicted felon. Most places in texas wont sell you one unless your a Police Officer or Security Officer.

Sort of hard to become an EMT in most states as a convicted felon too.
The place I work for now issues stab vests to all Medics. That being said I've worked in some less than desirable areas (in NYC) and I never wore one, I always felt safe. The cops or FD usually beat you to any scene
Also keep in mind that different vests stop different caliber weapons. And more protection=more weight.

So when I was on the ambulance the vest they gave us could stop up to a 9mm, just don't get shot with a .45, a .357, or a rifle. I kept it in my bag and just put it on when going to shooting calls. It was too hot to wear all the time.

You have to look at what the risk profile is like where you work. Some places there are a lot more stabbings, some places it is more gun violence. If it's knives stab vests make more sense. Also talk to the other people you work with, if you are the only one in your company with a vest it might be sign that you are overestimating the danger where you work.
Also talk to the other people you work with, if you are the only one in your company with a vest it might be sign that you are overestimating the danger where you work.

Or it's more likely, given the mentality of people in fire and EMS, that they are underestimating the dangers.
It might be fair to say that the only way you will know if you need body armor or not is to be shot.

Inevitably, if you weren't wearing it, you will probably wish you were. If you were and the round penetrated, you probably would have wished you wore something heavier. If you are never shot, you will probably doubt the usefulness.

It is sort of like car or fire insurance. You pay for it, but if all goes well you will never use it.

I think it is unfortunate that some providers would ridicule other providers over their employment of personal protective equipment. There was a time not too long go when wearing gloves and goggles was seen as unneccesary and made fun of.
Elizabeth PD Ambulance Service Bureau used to mandate it as part of their uniform. they issued it as part of their uniform, and you were required to always wear it. now that they are under the FD, idk if they still do.

Newark doesn't, Camden doesn't, and Irvington doesn't, and those are probably the 3 worst cities in NJ (and maybe in the top 10 in the US). Detroit doesn't. NYC definitely doesn't.

A friend of mine works in Newark FT, and as a sheriff's deputy part time. He wears his whenever he is at work. Has it ever saved his life? idk, but I would never fault anyone fore being extra paranoid, especially because I would hate to have someone suffer a preventable injury that could have been prevented had a vest been worn.
Just today read about zookeepers wearing them


There are a few places around here that many EMT's wear concealable armor or carry firearms because the cities they work in are dangerous and LEO's dont always respond with EMS. You can buy armor online but just remember the type of threat you are looking to defeat and that the higher the level of armor means that the vest will be heavier, bulkier and more uncomfortable. Also the price will go up. And in regard to carrying a firearm just be aware that you having a firearm on a scene means that there is at least one firearm in that given situation.
There are a few places around here that many EMT's wear concealable armor or carry firearms because the cities they work in are dangerous and LEO's dont always respond with EMS. You can buy armor online but just remember the type of threat you are looking to defeat and that the higher the level of armor means that the vest will be heavier, bulkier and more uncomfortable. Also the price will go up. And in regard to carrying a firearm just be aware that you having a firearm on a scene means that there is at least one firearm in that given situation.

What service(s)? Specifically, what services that aren't combined LE/EMS like Sunnyvale and whatnot?
What service(s)? Specifically, what services that aren't combined LE/EMS like Sunnyvale and whatnot?

There are a bunch of EMT's that I know that work in Springfield, MA that work for AMR that wear armor and a few carry guns. I have also heard of a few that wear armor in Hartford, CT. Both Hartford and Springfield have very high gun crime rates.

There are also other reasons you can wear armor. It doesnt have to just be for stopping bullets. Body armor can also protect your torso in a MVC or when someone punches or attempts to stab you in chest or back. Think of what body armor does. It disperses the energy of a bullet over a greater surface area. This means that it would do the same thing for a steering column or a fist. The energy from the impact would be spread out over a larger area hopefully minimizing damage to yourself. Now in regards to getting stabbed while wearing armor, a knife can still penetrate soft body armor. However there will just be another half an inch of material to get through before the knife hits flesh.