Brown from the dead


Forum Deputy Chief
G'day chaps

Brown was watching some medical tellydoco on Brown's smart telephone (because such things now exist) and some old bloke was munted crook with a buggered ticker and Brown couldn't exactly figure out some bollocks the doc was on about about CPAP or something. Brown was curious and Brown reminded Brownself once nye many a year ago now Brown had smashed out some wordly smart answer about it on this here forum so came for a squiz and couldn't find it, but did come across some bloke having a noggin scratch about what came of Brown.

Well, … true to the lore of Brown, Brown did in-fact start Brown's medical degree. Brown then figured Brown had been conned and rubbish that idea, Brown wasn't sacrificing Brownself to being a bloody House Surgeon and Registrar through Brown's 30s and into Brown's mid 40s. Forget Emergency Medicine, ICU, or Anaesthesia, all horribly interesting specialities but even as a Brownsultant (Consultant Brown) would mean night shifts, weekends, holidays, terrible hours, and such bollocks. That left well, General Bractice or Brublic Health and hahahaha yeah, no. Maybe Brownsychiatry but yeah, no. The on-going industrial action by Residential Medical Officers (that is, House Surgeons and Registrars) and Nurses and many others in the public health system really tipped the scales.
Brown was offered the choice of doing Pharmacy or Nursing instead. Nursing has to many parallels to the downsides of medicine, so mmm, no. So, down to the Pharmacy Brown went and lasted all of one hour before leaving in absolute total boredom. So, that's a no from Brown dawg. So Brown put that idea to bed with a warm cuppa and fluffed pillow and Little Golden Book bedtime story about the little Brown that tried but that somehow had a happy ending anyway. Because everybody likes happy endings right? Especially Brown.

Flash forward a couple of years and Brown now does fundamentally and totally different that something Brown enjoys very much. It has almost nothing to do with clinical medicine or the health sector. Brown works nice hours, has a nice office, works with nice people, and is valued, respected, and achieves well. Brown's expertise are possessed by only a minute number of people (and one Brown) nationwide so Brown is regularly meeting with senior officials of the Executive providing input into its operation as well as meeting at least once a quarter with various Government Ministers and having input into various parts of the Government agenda. A report on significant change in public policy is due out soon which Brown was heavily involved in providing expert opinion on. If even some of the recommendations are put through Parliament into law they will have significant effects on reducing poverty and iniquitous outcomes between the social structures of society. Brown has found Brown's Brownfessional Brownment in the sun well and truly.

Brown wants nothing to do with the health sector. A small part of Brown does wish circumstances were different and Brown had become a Brownsultant in ED. It's just different and interesting being in ED doing rapid sequence induction or having a yarn to Nana Flo who needs a new kidney and is just here cos her peritoneal dialysis fluid is a bit murky, but at 3 am on a Saturday morning it's also really not. So a bit of Brown and take Brown sposes. Seeing as how it's something completely different to what Brown does now and good for a bit of mental relaxation and Brown understands all those medical words, having a bit of a squiz every so often at one of those medical docutellythings is good for a bit of a relief.

In general Brown lives an interesting and varied life between work, going to the beach, relaxing on Brown's deck with Brown's book in the sun drinking a tasty Browdult beverage, travelling to various destinations (most recently back to the United States after seven years away, but before that to Europe, Singapore, and Australia), Brownbernating in winter, mountain biking on occasion, nice dinners and chinwags with Brown's mates, and in the summer going to various whatsamahoozits and thingamagigs. Oh, and let's not forget giving the ambos a wave when Brown spots them in their yellow van.

So that's about it Brown sposes.

Oh, and if you were wondering; was Brown ever a Paramedic? The answer is no. What you would call an "enhanced" First Responder in a private setting is it (oxygen, IM adrenaline, salbutamol, etc). Most of what Brown knows comes either from university or long ago teaching Brownself. One of Brown's mates was an ambo and him and Brown would do double ups which was cool plus Brown's other mate worked in control. But gosh, that was a decade or more ago now, ancient history and a lifetime ago almost it seems Brown is so far removed from anything to do with that. Brown sincerely apologises for any Brownfusion caused, but no refunds, no rainchecks, no store credit, no exchanges, no nothing, get out of here before you end up in the walk in freezer in back … anything can go missing down there, and see that security camera? it don't work, so ain't nobody ever know you was here cos we put your truck in the crusher which the guy next door's cousin has at his wreck yard and then it go to Mexico on the barge so ain't no law agent ever gon' find it. You hear Brown boy?

Oh, and yes, when Brown went to Europe, Brown did pop in and have a squiz at Brown's once Brownloved London Helicopter Emergency Medical Service. Brown yeah that was just awesome. Ha, a lifetime ago it seems.

Well, enough Browning around and Brown's noggin is sore from Browning on in the fourth person.

Brown away!


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
You think Brown's noggin is sore from writing in the 4th person? it's even harder when you are trying to read Brown's words when written in the 4th person.


Forum Deputy Chief
Thank you DrParasite; I was hoping it wasn't just me


Has no idea what I'm doing.
That is Brown's style. Glad you are happy!


Forum Asst. Chief
Hi. Wondering how things had turned out for you. Glad to see that you have moved on to something less soul-sucking than health care.


Critical Crazy
You think Brown's noggin is sore from writing in the 4th person? it's even harder when you are trying to read Brown's words when written in the 4th person.
Yea that and it's not even written in American!


Forum Chief
o_O I thought you had been declared persona non grata years ago


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Narcissism in the fourth person is something to behold. Congrats, I think?


Forum Deputy Chief
That is Brown's style. Glad you are happy!

Yeah man, I'm actually professionally happy for the first time in about a decade. Not since I was in the US really.

Hi. Wondering how things had turned out for you. Glad to see that you have moved on to something less soul-sucking than health care.

Tell me about it mate, my second-to-last-job was working with a bunch of docs and nurses who had fled direct clinical practice; most of them complained about how awful the hours were.

Yea that and it's not even written in American!

Typical bloody, let me translate that for you sir :)

House Officer = junior doctor not in specialist training (Intern)
Registrar = junior doctor in specialist training (Resident)
Consultant = specialist doctor (Attending Physician)
Resident Medical Officer = House Surgeon or Registrar
Government = Government
Minister = I am not sure you have a direct equivalent in the United States. I know you have Cabinet Secretaries but they also seem to be official heads of executive departments, whereas ours are not. For example, the Minister of Health has nothing to do with running the Ministry of Health, that is the job of the Director-Genera l. They simply hold the portfolio for the Government. We also have Ministers outside cabinet, which you do not seem to have.

o_O I thought you had been declared persona non grata years ago

Um, burrito por favor?

Narcissism in the fourth person is something to behold. Congrats, I think?

The "fourth person" reference was simply a humourous sounding thing I made up one day.

No narcissism here mate. I even declined to put my qualifications after my name on my letterhead like the boss said everybody else does because I thought it was wanky and pretentious. I am achieving very well professionally for the first time in ages and ironically, it has absolutely nothing to do with healthcare, medicine, or the ambulance sector. I'd never have thought in a million years I would write that! I am also very surprised I have decided not to continue my medical degree. But, I guess things change and people move on to other things and perhaps what you want isn't really that good after all I suppose. Just look at the current industrial action by ambulance personnel.

I must say though I did quite enjoy coming on here and having a noggin scratch about whatever was asked and I quite liked it; something interesting and completely different and some bloody interesting characters that's for sure. But, like I said, things change and people move on.

I have been thinking about taking up an offer to do a years' work experience in the USA. My friend lives nearby and the area is served by their local volunteer fire brigade who also do ambulance work which could be interesting to have a look at doing on the weekend or something. But probably not; I've got a very well-established life here and I'm not sure I want to uproot myself for a year.

Well, best be off.

Brown away!
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Forum Deputy Chief
Well, by complete chance, Brown found this place again looking for a copy of a Health and Disability Commissioner report for work because someone had posted a thread about it. So, naturally, Brown felt obliged to pop in for old time's sake for a few posts. Plus, it was also opportunity time as Brown has been working very hard lately and felt a bit suffocated by work so it was good to think of something entirely different. But, Brown really has little to contribute so not much point. Brown has also crawled through some older posts and is both bemused and a bit surprised at their content. Brown never did actually expect to be taken seriously about all the helo stuff. Youthful naivety.

Brown has also recently forlornly wondered if Brown made the right choice skipping out on med because much of Brown's work at the moment is similar to that of a House Officer or Registrar in terms of hours and responsibility and suchlike. Brown thinks Brown did in the end. Especially with that respiratory illness that shall not be named circulating for the foreseeable future.

For those of you who may be mildly interested to know, Brown grew up to become a lawyer who fights for the vulnerable, mainly against various acronyms of the Crown. It is good work that makes a difference in society. Sadly due to the accident compensation scheme and no-fault divorce, Brown is unlikely to land that once in a lifetime million dollar verdict and retire to Brown's own private tropical island anytime soon. Maybe Brown should come work in US and specialise in suing doctors or something .....

With that said, thanks for the good times. A lifetime ago when Brown had completely different priorities and outlooks. How things have changed. Brown had a good time here. I think this was when I was working for that medical outfit, or maybe just before, I can't remember. It certainly gave me plenty of intellectual stimulation and a bit of fantastical cerebral delinquency about orange helicopters and kept me occupied on those awful night shifts. I was about to say I even met one or two people off here, but no, I didn't, it was off one of the other non-medical interest forums I posted on. Hahaha, meeting people off internet forums, sooo 2010. Good times indeed.

Well, best be off.
Brown away.

Also, for the last time, suxamethonium. Because no post from Brown was ever really complete without mentioning suxamethonium 😅