Billy Mays-- Found dead at home this AM


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What did someone break a glass?

Mays was found unresponsive by his wife inside his Tampa, Fla., home at 7:45 a.m. on Sunday, according to the Tampa Police Department.

Police said there were no signs of forced entry to May's residence and foul play is not suspected. Authorities said an autopsy should be complete by Monday afternoon.

Mays, 50, was on board a US Airways flight that blew out its front tires as it landed at a Tampa airport on Saturday, reported.

US Airways spokesman Jim Olson said that none of the 138 passengers and five crew members were injured in the incident, but several passengers reported having bumps and bruises, according to the station.

Authorities have not said whether Mays' death was related to the incident.

"Although Billy lived a public life, we don't anticipate making any public statements over the next couple of days. Our family asks that you respect our privacy during these difficult times," Mays wife, Deborah, said in a statement on Sunday.,2933,529328,00.html
Everyones dropping, and although Billy could get under my skin, his new show was pretty cool... It's been quite the upsetting week
Who's next?!

I'm shocked.

Celebrities are dropping like flies this week!

His show on Disco. wasn't bad.
I wonder if Vegas is taking bets now to see who's next?

Someone may want to advise Vince from ShamWow to be careful
Damn. I was watching Pitchmen this morning too.
Damn. I was watching Pitchmen this morning too.

One with the cereal bowl and windshield wiper? I have no life either.

Infomercials will be much quieter from here on out.

poor guy
ya know... for as irratating as he could be, he was a great pitchman...

... better than Vince from Shamwow.... I mean Slap chop... really. when he says, "You're gonna love my nuts". At least Billy had charisma

bummer to have lost such an entertaining pitchman... Guess I'll have to go back to the ronco knife infomercial again :/
Billy Mase Dead! Apparent ignored head injury

The 50-year-old known for his shouting OxiClean ads was pronounced dead at 7:45 a.m. The Hillsborough County medical examiner will perform an autopsy, Tampa police Lt. Brian Dugan said.

Mays was on the US Airways flight from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Tampa on Saturday that had a hard landing at Tampa International Airport when the plane's front tire blew out. There were no reported injuries on Flight 1241, US Airways told CNN.

Wow! Apparently celebrates die in threes like they say they do. And yet another case of ignored head injury. Will this change your treatment of people who get bumped on the head but say that they are fine? Remember Natasha Richardson.
idk... but apparently US Airways may have a lawsuit headed their way depending on what the autopsy reveals.
Freak accidents happen. Without knowing the symptoms he had, and the duration afterwords, I think it's a little too much to say, "Well, if he hadn't ignored it..." Are people supposed to go to the ER for every headache or every time they bump their head?

Wow! Apparently celebrates die in threes like they say they do. And yet another case of ignored head injury. Will this change your treatment of people who get bumped on the head but say that they are fine? Remember Natasha Richardson.

How about we wait until the autopsy report is done before we go around saying it was an ignored head injury.

I count four celebrities: Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett, Michael Jackson and now, Billy Mays.
How about we wait until the autopsy report is done before we go around saying it was an ignored head injury.

I count four celebrities: Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett, Michael Jackson and now, Billy Mays.

Re-read the title of this thread. "Apparently" does not mean anything else but what it means. An otherwise healthy 50 y/o died in his sleep after suffering a blow to the head earlier that day. I am making no diagnoses, just stating the facts.
Re-read the title of this thread. "Apparently" does not mean anything else but what it means. An otherwise healthy 50 y/o(as far as you know) died in his sleep after suffering a blow to the head earlier that day. I am making no diagnoses, just stating the facts.

It seems I missed the apparently.:blush: